Noticed some Lilacs starting to bloom this morning.
I stopped to smell them. : )
(not in my yard)
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56 degrees this morning with a mix of sun and clouds. Nice that it wasn't raining for a change and I stayed dry. : )
I walked around by the industrial park. Not a very big one, just 5 business. I usually walk around there on Sunday mornings because no one is going to work and it is quiet with no cars. Today I realized that Saturdays it is the same way.
This road runs parallel between the industrial park road and the main road. I walked to the end which is a dead end, turned around and walked back.
Not sure what is growing here in the field but I like the colors.
When I got back to the main road I walked to the welcome to town sign. Then I walked through town and to the other welcome to town sign coming the other way. It was 1.2 miles.Took a quick loop around town and then home.
Walked 6.3 miles.
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Last night I finished reading The Ballad of Tom Dooley by Sharyn McCrumb. It was based on the ballad made famous by the Kingston Trio about the first love-triangle murder to become national news in 1865. While doing the research for the book McCrumb uncovers a missing piece of the story which changes things a bit. I thought it was good and enjoyed reading it.
It bothered me seeing all the grass clippings on top of the lawn from when I mowed yesterday so went outside this morning and cleaned it all up. Ken used the leaf blower and I raked. We have an acre so it took all morning. I used the grass clippings for mulch and put it around some forsythia bushes that line the back yard.
After lunch we went up to Happy Trails. I was just going to sit on the cabin deck and read but ended helping Ken. (did read for a little while)
He was a lumberjack today. : )
For supper we went out to Subway and got a couple of subs. Sat in the truck and ate them overlooking Deep Creek Lake.
A good work day and I'm sure we will both sleep good. : )
Hope your day was a happy one.
happyone : )
"Fatigue is the best pillow."
~ Benjamin Franklin
Comment Replies:
Christine - the log cabin in yesterdays post is the Drane House built by James Drane. You can click on the Drane House link at end of the posts if you'd like to read about it.