Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, April 30, 2016


Noticed some Lilacs starting to bloom this morning.
I stopped to smell them.  : )
(not in my yard)
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56 degrees this morning with a mix of sun and clouds.  Nice that it wasn't raining for a change and I stayed dry. : )

I walked around by the industrial park.  Not a very big one,  just 5 business.  I usually walk around there on Sunday mornings because no one is going to work and it is quiet with no cars.  Today I realized that Saturdays it is the same way.

This road runs parallel between the industrial park road and the main road.  I walked to the end which is a dead end, turned around and walked back.  
Not sure what is growing here in the field but I like the colors.
When I got back to the main road I walked to the welcome to town sign.  Then I walked through town and to the other welcome to town sign coming the other way.  It was 1.2 miles.

Took a quick loop around town and then home.
Walked 6.3 miles.
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 Last night I finished reading The Ballad of Tom Dooley by Sharyn McCrumb.  It was based on the ballad made famous by the Kingston Trio about the first love-triangle murder to become national news in 1865.  While doing the research for the book McCrumb uncovers a missing piece of the story which changes things a bit.  I thought it was good and enjoyed reading it.

It bothered me seeing all the grass clippings on top of the lawn from when I mowed yesterday so went outside this morning and cleaned it all up.  Ken used the leaf blower and I raked.  We have an acre so it took all morning.  I used the grass clippings for mulch and put it around some forsythia bushes that line the back yard.  

After lunch we went up to Happy Trails.  I was just going to sit on the cabin deck and read but ended helping Ken. (did read for a little while)
He was a lumberjack today. : )
For supper we went out to Subway and got a couple of subs.  Sat in the truck and ate them overlooking Deep Creek Lake.

A good work day and I'm sure we will both sleep good. : )
Hope your day was a happy one.
happyone : )
"Fatigue is the best pillow."
~ Benjamin Franklin

Comment Replies:
Christine - the log cabin in yesterdays post is the Drane House built by James Drane.  You can click on the Drane House link at end of the posts if you'd like to read about it.

Friday, April 29, 2016


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We all left the same time this morning.  David on his way to NJ, Ken to meet his friend Edd for breakfast and me on my walk.  David always leaves here with some chocolate chip cookies.  : )
It was 56 degrees and I thought just cloudy but there was a light mist so I went back inside and put on my rain pants and slicker.  I needn't have bothered though because after a block the mist stopped.  At least I didn't get wet today. : )

I walked through town and up Barn Sale Rd.  No cow around today.  Then walked a little way down the road towards HT and then turned around and headed back to town.  Went around both cemeteries and the ball park loop.

One man was fishing by the town pond.  Saw another man walking his dog around the ball park.

An uneventful but still a nice walk.
Walked 6 miles.
 ✿     ✿     ✿     ✿
 Here's the recipe for my Chocolate Chippers.  It is in an old Better Homes and Garden cookbook that I bought on our honeymoon many years ago.  The recipe is now changed in the newer versions. 
Chocolate Chippers 

 1 cup white sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 cup Crisco
2 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups flour
2 cups semi sweet chocolate chips

Cream sugars, Crisco, egg and vanilla together until light and fluffy
Add rest of ingredients and mix until blended.
Drop on ungreased cookie sheets and bake in a 375 degree oven for 10 minutes.
Cool on wire racks.

The cookie sheets I use are the ones with a layer of air between two layers and I really think it makes a big difference.
I store the cookies in plastic freezer bags in the freezer.
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It cleared enough in the afternoon for me to finally mow the lawn.  The grass was pretty long and now there is a whole lot of grass sitting on the lawn because I don't collect it and it looks pretty bad, but I don't really care. : )  I like mowing the lawn with the riding mower but I'm not really a fan of grass.  I've toyed with the idea of letting some of the yard go and have it turn into a meadow. 

Hope your day was a happy one.
happyone : )
"Her lawn looks like a meadow,
And if she mows the place
she leaves the clover standing
and the Queen Anne's Lace."
~ Edna St Vincent Millay

Thursday, April 28, 2016


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56 degrees this morning and cloudy when I left on my walk.

I walked the Farm Loop.  None of the cows on the dairy farm up ahead there on the right were out in the field.  Haven't seen those cows for quite a while now.  The chickens were out running around though as well as the barn cats.

Didn't see anyone at all out along the Farm Loop, not even any cars. 

 I thought this phlox looked so pretty growing along the road here on both sides of someones driveway. 

Once I got back to town I walked around the ball park loop and took a quick loop through town before arriving back home.  Half way along my walk I felt the first drops of rain and by the time I got home it was raining pretty hard and I was pretty wet by the time I got in the house.  At least it wasn't cold out. 

Walked 6.2 miles.
✿     ✿     ✿     ✿
During my walk I got a text from our son David saying he was about an hour away and would be stopping by so when I got home from my walk he was already there. : )  He's staying for the day and night and will leave in the morning continuing on to NJ.

I'm still have more cookies to bake for the new church that is getting started in WV that I've mentioned before and today I baked some Welsh Cookies for them.  I'm baking 5 different kinds of cookies.  Thought an assortment would be nice and cookies travel well. Four kinds so far so just have to bake one more batch.   Don't need them till May 9.  Nice that cookies freeze well too.

Ken and David went up to Happy Trails and then took some trees to a friend of a friend who has a saw mill.  The trees have been sitting in the trailer in our driveway (the trees Ken picked up from church that were cut down) for a few weeks now.  At the saw mill they will be cut into slab wood which we will use for siding on our cabin at Happy Trails.

Never did get to mow the lawn yesterday and today is no better, grass still too wet.  Hopefully tomorrow. 
A happy day to you.
happyone : )
"How old would  you be
if you didn't know how old you were?" 
~ Satchel Paige
Comment Replies:
Eileen - Yes, that is phlox in yesterday's picture at the cemetery.

Sharon - Thanks, nice to have you as a follower. : )

Jedidja - Yes, the cookies are easy to make.  I know I've shared the recipe on my blog before but I can't seem to find it now to send you the link.  If I can't find the link I'll post the recipe again tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Back to blogging

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No need to worry, I'm find and dandy, but thanks for your concern.  : )  
Last Thursday was a busy day at church all day with the Fingerprint Ministry and when we got home that night I just didn't have time for blogging.  Was nice to just come home a plop myself down.  Then one day turned into another and then another and  before long a week had gone by with me not blogging.  So I had a nice blog break but I'm back now.  I've missed you all and look forward to getting around to visiting you, though it will take me a while to get caught up.
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We've had some really nice weather and I spent Monday up at Happy Trials with Ken.  I have my own project of cleaning out the little brook that is on our property which runs into the little pond and then down on to the road.  I'm working on the top part of the brook.
Before I went to work. 
 After I spent a few hours clearing the debris and throwing lots of rocks up on the bank.
This is the start of the brook where the water comes out of the rocks and where I ended.
Next time I'll be working down toward the pond.  I guess I'm about a quarter way down to the pond.  Just a little brook but still nice to hear it babbling along. : )
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I've been walking each morning.  Some days in the sun, some just clouds, and some rain like this morning.  It was a warm 60 degrees this morning with some light drizzle.  I walked straight through town down toward Happy Trails, a little ways up Sale Barn to see the cows and then around town, including both cemeteries and the ball park loop.

Stopped to chat for a few minutes with another walker who is visiting family and saw the man walking his big white dog.

Saw the usual birds around and the geese down by the Drane house pond, and a couple of rabbits chasing each other around at the cemetery.  Probably won't be long before I see a few more rabbits around there.  : )

Walked 6.2 miles.
Found a penny.
✿     ✿     ✿     ✿

 It's my turn for providing the snack for the Sunday school kids this coming Sunday and this morning I baked chocolate chip cookies.  I usually bake them in a couple of batches ahead of time but baked all of them today. 

Ken snatched one when he came home.  I didn't eat any cookies but did eat some of the dough. : )

I'm hoping that the grass will dry enough so I can go out and mow the lawn but it isn't looking good.  May have to wait for another day.

Have a few things to do around the house this afternoon so I'd better go.
A happy day to you.
happyone : )
Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable.
~ Kenyan Proverb
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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

A day out

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40 degrees this morning as I started on my walk.  It was a sunny morning with a breeze.  I walked down the main road and turned in the road that heads to Happy Trails.
This road sign always makes me smile.
I turned around here which is about 2 1/2 miles from home and then headed back to town.
Once back to town I walked around one of the cemeteries and the ball park loop before going back home.

I used to see Kathy walking around town last year pretty regularly and then I didn't see her for a long time.  Today she was back to walking. : )
Walked 6 miles.
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We drove down to La Vale for the day.  It was a beautiful sunny day and instead of driving on the highway we took the back road.  A nicer ride and it really didn't take that much longer.  We went in and out of quite a lot of stores and had lunch at Wendy's. 

Still on my quest for a denim skirt.  Tried on four of them at Goodwill.  Two were too small and two were too big.

I did find a nice pair of sandals at my favorite shoe store in town and in Lowe's we got a nice selection of vegetables for our gardens plus some sunflower seeds.  One packet is for mammoth ones and the other are different colored ones.  Ken will be growing the tomatoes and lettuce in his two raised beds and I'll be growing the others in my garden.  I'm planning on starting the seeds inside and then planting the plants outside the beginning of June. 
Some of you asked about the rhubarb and what I'll be making with it.  A few mentioned pie but I like to make a cobbler out of it.  I remember eating rhubarb right out of the garden when I was a kid.  It is very sour eaten that way.  Last year a friend gave me a bunch of rhubarb from her garden and also some plants to grow my own and the picture from yesterday are these plants. 
I wrote a post last year about rhubarb and have the recipe there for the cobbler plus one for muffins.  Here's the link to the rhubarb post.

Time now for supper and then we'll be off to church.
A happy day to you.
happyone : )
If someone were to pay you 10 cents 
for every kind word you said about people
and collect 5 cents for every unkind word,
would you be rich or poor?
~ Jacob M Braude

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Looks like this year I will be able to pick rhubarb out of my garden.  : ) 
I was so excited to see it starting to get some nice thick stalks. 
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42 degrees this morning and though not the bright sunny morning that it has been all this week it was still a wonderful morning to be up and out walking.  A mix of sun and clouds.

Walked all around town this morning, up and down all the streets.  Around both cemeteries and the ball park loop.

A quiet morning with no people about.
Walked 6 miles.
✿     ✿     ✿     ✿
 We left a little early for bowling today because we all met at the Pizza Hut in town  for the buffet lunch.  (I love the dessert pizzas!)
Just something different instead of eating at the bowling alley. Betty and Dennis are back from wintering in Florida.  Great to have them back here again.  They were the ones that got us all starting on bowling every week. : )
There were 8 of us bowling today.
Couldn't seem to find my groove for bowling this time and had a couple of pretty low scores.
Scores for today: 102, 98, and 132.   Had fun anyway and that is really what is all about.

After bowling we went to the church which is just up the street.  I did some weeding and getting rid of last years dead grasses and plants in the little garden we made a couple of years ago by the little radio station building. 

Now for a nice quiet evening at home of a little knitting, reading, television and ice cream.  It's been a good day.

A happy day to you.
 happyone : )

"Never believe anything that requires you to hate people
who do not believe it."
~ Robert Brault
Comment Replies:
Eileen - No, that is not a house.  It is the tractor barn which we built a few years ago.  We have also built a wood shop there at HT too. There are no houses near us.  We have 21 acres and the cabin is pretty much right in the middle.

Melanie - You are correct in that there will be no running water. There is  electric though and we plan on having it quite comfortable inside so it is NOT like camping.  : ) 
Also plan on building a unique type of outhouse. 

Monday, April 18, 2016

Work Day

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Yesterday afternoon we went up to Happy Trails.  Didn't do any work but just walked around a bit and sat out on the cabin deck.

For the new readers of my blog that don't know about Happy Trials,  it is some property that we own just out of town 3 miles away from our house.  We think of it as our own personal park with walking trails that we have made and still are making.  It is a lifetime project. : )  Last May we started building a one room dry cabin.  It is not finished yet but we hope to finish it this year.  We got this far before winter set in.  Pictures taken yesterday.
Sitting on the cabin deck
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Another beautiful spring morning at 40 degrees and sunny with no wind at all.  I walked the Farm Loop. 

Farmer Bill was out and I stopped for a little chat.

For such a beautiful day I was surprised not to see anyone else walking. 

Once back in town, I walked around the ball park loop and made a loop around town before heading back home.

Walked 6.2 miles.
✿     ✿     ✿     ✿
Ken went up to Happy Trails today.  I wanted to go along too but had too much work to do at home and I got a lot accomplished.  Vacuumed the whole house, cleaned two bathrooms, and cleaned my office.  That was before lunch.  Then it was time for outside work.  I washed our car (Equinox) and then edged and weeded another front garden. 

Then I had a little while before Ken came home and I sat on the front porch and read.

Since we both had a good work day we decided to treat ourselves and go out for supper.  In just a little while we are leaving to go to El Canelo's for some Mexican food.  Haven't been there in ages.

Weather beautiful all day.  Sunny and by afternoon it was in the 70's.

A happy Day to you.
happyone : )
"It was such a pleasure to sink one's hands into the warm earth,
to feel at one's fingertips the possibilities of the new season."
~ Kate Morton

Saturday, April 16, 2016

A spring day outside

Picture taken from the school parking lot. 
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35 degrees this morning when I left the house at 6:25 this morning.  No wind and I watched the sun come over the mountain as I walked along the Farm Loop road.  A beautiful morning.

Coming back down to town along the road in the above picture I walked through one of  Farmer Marvin's barnyard roads.  You can see the barn in the above picture too.  This one is taken walking up to his barn.  I walk around the barn and it comes out by the Drane house and then I go up the hill to the cemetery.  Farmer Marvin has given me permission to walk here.  I don't do it often but it's nice for a change.
Walked around the other cemetery as well and the ball park loop too.
I saw quite a few red winged blackbirds again, a rabbit and the killdeers.

Stopped this morning to talk to the man having the three day yard sale at the house that is for sale.  His wife's aunt lived there all her life and just died a few months ago at the age of 89.  So they are selling house and the contents. 

Walked 6 miles.
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After breakfast and doing a few morning routine things around the house I went outside mid morning. The sun warmed things up nicely to the mid 50's and I cleaned up, dug a nice neat edge around it,  and weeded one of the front gardens where all the daisies grow.  It took me till lunch time.  After lunch it warmed up even more to 65 degrees and I went out again and mowed the lawn this time.  We have a riding mower and I enjoy riding around on it. : )  It's not as much fun as the first time I used it but  I still like mowing the lawn.

While I mowed Ken cleaned out the shed in back.  He made some shelves and and got all the little things off the floor.  Nice and organized now.

When work was done we sat out on the front porch.  I think spring has finally arrived in Garrett county.

A happy day to you.
happyone : )
Faith can move mountains,
but don't be surprised
if God hands you a shovel.
~ Unknown
Comment Replies:
Diana -I like the pancakes I make at home better too than the ones I eat out.

Eileen - I thought the birds from yesterday were some kind of sparrow.  Thanks for identifying them for me. : ) 

Friday, April 15, 2016

Polk a dots in the yard

Pine Siskins
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40 degrees this morning and another sunny one for my walk.

Went to the library first to drop off a magazine down the book drop.  Then continued walking all over and around town.  Walked down toward Happy Trails too and then back to town.  Around the cemeteries and the ball park loop.  Saw a few rabbits, a couple red winged blackbirds, and lots of robins over by the town pond.

There is a big yard sale going on for the next couple of days at one of the houses I mentioned the other day that is for sale in town.  They were putting things out when I walked by.  I didn't stop to look because I didn't WANT to find anything I NEEDED. : )

Walked through the post office parking lot I saw Farmer Bill getting out of his car.  Seems funny to see him someplace other than at his farm. : )

I'm loving these nice sunny morning walks.
Walked 6.6 miles.
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At the park in town there is a roundabout in the playground.  This one looks like an old one.  I remember having so much fun on these when I was kid.  We used to run around and round making it go faster and faster and then hopping on it.
Sunny all day and still a little cool but I went outside in the afternoon and started weeding one of the gardens.  So many weeds already so I thought I'd better get started.

 I noticed the dandelions are sprouting up in the grass already.  Most people don't like them but I always have.  I think the little yellow polk-a-dots in the green lawn are pretty and I leave them to grow all over my lawn.

Tomorrow is supposed to be another nice sunny day and we are planning on working in the yard.

A happy day to you.
happyone : )
"Anxiety's like a rocking chair.
It gives you something to do
but it doesn't get you very far."
~ Jodi Picoult

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Ken and the tree trunks

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44 degrees this morning and sunny.  A beautiful morning for walking and another good thing is now it is light so no more walking in the dark.

No wind  in town but here along the Farm Loop road in the wide open there was a bit of a breeze but with the warmer temperature it didn't matter.

I walked the Farm Loop in the opposite direction than I usually do. I used to walk it this way all the time and then
changed the direction for something different and then just kept going that way.  There is just as many hills either way I walk so it is a good mix of up and down.

Walking past Farmer Bill's place, two of his dogs came out to greet me.  One is Oscar but I've forgotten the other ones name.  They are friendly and I've met them both before.  Farmer Bill appeared from around the house a moment later and called them back.

Once back to town I walked around one of the cemeteries and the ball park loop and then home.
Walked 6.2 miles.
✿     ✿     ✿     ✿
This morning after breakfast I drove to church for Baby Blanket day.  Seven of us worked on blankets.  Sandy counted up all the blankets we've made since the beginning of the year and the total was 83.

Ken showed up at church too with the tractor and trailer.  Two big pine trees were cut down on the church property and the trunks have been sitting around waiting for someone to come and take them away.
 No one came and there they sat so Ken asked if we could have them.  A friend from church knows some one who has a saw mill and said they would cut up the trees for slab wood for us. The slab wood will be perfect for the outside of our cabin at Happy Trails.
We just have to get the logs to the saw mill.
Ken getting them loaded onto the trailer with the tractor.   I took this picture and then left for home.
Late afternoon Ken came home with the logs and trailer.
It's been a nice sunny day all day. : )  Still a little on the cool side but a beautiful day.
Plan to do a little reading and knitting later.  Maybe make a few weave-it squares too.

A happy day to you.
happyone : )
"I find that a great deal of the information I have
was acquired by looking up something
and finding something else on the way."
~ Franklin P Adams

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Pastel Cookies

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28 chilly degrees when I walked out the door this morning.  BUT it wasn't snowing or raining, no wind blowing, and the sun came out so who can complain. : )

Nice to get out and walk around the Farm Loop.  It's been a while since I walked that route and it sure is a pretty walk.  Quiet too and along the road here in the picture which is about 2 miles long, no cars passed me.

The dairy cows weren't out but farther down the way the two horses in the top picture were out in a pasture.  These are different from the other horses I take pictures of which are down by the Drane house.

When I got back to town, I walked around there too.  By then the sun was out completely and it had warmed up in the high 30's.  So nice to be walking that it was one of those days when I just didn't want to go home and could have walked all day.  But I was getting hungry and had things to do.

Walked 7 miles.
Found a penny.
✿     ✿     ✿     ✿
Ken went up to Happy Trails to load the tractor on to the trailer.  Came home with it and power washed all the mud off it.

Nice sunny day so I got a couple loads of laundry hung outside on the line.

Baked another kind of cookie for the new church.  This time I tried a new butter cookie.  I liked it because it was simple to make and I thought would add nice color to the mixture of cookies.  They are pinker in color than the picture indicates.  They taste very good too.  I had to taste one to make sure they were good. : )

Pastel Butter Cookies

3 1/2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 1/2 cups (3 sticks) butter or margarine
1 cup sugar
1 package (4-serving size) Jello, any flavor
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
Additional Jello

HEAT oven to 400 degrees.

MIX flour and baking powder in medium bowl.
Beat butter in large bowl to soften.
Gradually add sugar and 1 package of jello, beating until light and fluffy.  Beat in egg and vanilla.
Gradually add flour mixture, beating well after each addition.

SHAPE dough into 1 inch balls.
Place on ungreased cookie sheet.
Flatten with bottom of glass.
Sprinkle with additional jello.

BAKE 10 - 12 minutes or until edges are lightly browned.
Cool on wire racks.

Walked around the yard a bit, but still a little too cold for me to work out there.  Maybe tomorrow afternoon, it's supposed to be warmer then.

Time to go get supper started.
A happy day to you.
happyone : )
"Sometimes clean feels empty.
A bit of clutter and dirt gladdens the heart
and affirms a life in progress."
~ Terri Guillemets

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


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Today's walking weather was a lot like yesterdays.  A misty rain was falling and it was 40 degrees.  It stopped half way along my walk though and the sun ended up coming out. : ) 

Started my walking going to the library and dropping the book I finished yesterday down the book drop.  Then continued walking up and down and all around town.

Noticed there are two houses for sale within a couple of blocks of each other in town, both for sale by owner.  Sometimes houses sell super quick here and other times it can take a year or so.  Will be interesting to see how long these take.

No people or animals around this morning.
Walked 6.1 miles.
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 Tuesday has rolled around once again and we enjoyed a few games of bowling.  There were five of us bowling today.   Not great games and not bad games for me just average games.  My average now is 132 and today's bowling scores were 137, 121, and 132.

A stop at Walmart for some food shopping on the way home and also made a stop at the Tractor Supply Store to get some more bird seed.

This morning before we left for bowling I walked over to the library and picked up book number two in the Amish series I've started reading, Meek and Mild. I also came home with a magazine, an audio book and another book. 
Every year the library has a bookmark contest for the kids where they design bookmarks and the winners get their design made into bookmarks and they are handed out at the library.  The theme this year was Libraries Transform.  The following are the winners.  I like to collect bookmarks so took one of each.
Top left by Andrew, age 6.
Top right by Levi, age 10.
Bottom by Heidi age 12.

Looking forward to reading Meek and Mild later on.  But right now it's time for me to do my exercise tape.

A happy day to you.
happyone : )
"Exercise, play, move.
Stretch, feel, reach, sweat.
Skip, dance, hug.
Use the body God gave you,
don't let it rot."
~ Terri Guillemets

Monday, April 11, 2016


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This morning it was 30 degrees warmer than yesterday morning at 44 degrees.  What a difference.  All snow is now gone and I hope stays away until winter.  Off and on again light rain for my walk today.

Walked down the main road towards Happy Trails, then back to town and walked all over town, including both cemeteries and the ball park loop.  Heading back to town in the picture.

I saw 4 deer just to the left of the picture.  Looked to be two adults and 2 young ones.
Just at the edge of town there was a dead deer across the sidewalk that must have gotten hit by a car though I didn't see any blood on it.  So sad to see.

Nice to hear all the birds singing again this morning again.  The three killdeer were by the town pond again as well as the red winged black birds.  No geese today.

Walked 6.2 miles.
✿     ✿     ✿     ✿
Yesterday afternoon (it had warmed up to the 36) we went up to Happy Trails.  Walked around a bit and Ken wanted to show me what he did up there the other day.  There is a very small pond on our land and Ken has started making it a bit bigger.
Today Ken is at church installing a few new lights and I've been home doing a bit of baking. Next month some members of our church will be helping a church in WV get started and Becky and I will be bringing the refreshments.  We needed something that is easy, doesn't need refrigeration and will travel well.  We came up with idea of making a nice variety of cookies.  Nice too because we can make them ahead and freeze them.  I'm making 5 different kinds and the first kind I baked today was German Chocolate Cookies.  A picture and the recipe you can find on an old post HERE.

Finished reading Wonderful Lonesome, the first book in the series that Olivia Newport wrote.  The next book awaits me at the library which I will get tomorrow.

We had supper this evening at Brenda's for half price pizza.  We usually just get a plain cheese one but today we got one with green peppers and onions.

A happy day to you.
happyone : )
"An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language."
~Martin Buber

Sunday, April 10, 2016

The stars are always present

The sun was shining this morning but it was only 14 degrees.  It sure was pretty though.   Just a 4.5 mile walk today.  Ran out of time.  Had to get back home to get ready for church.
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It was cold but with a clear sky last night and the stars were out.  
I mean I could see the stars, they are always there.
Even on cloudy nights, the stars are still there, we just can't see them.

When we are going through hard times,
and it seems as if God does not hear our prayers
and we feel he is not there and has forsaken us.
 We must not listen to those lies of the enemy.
Because God has promised never to leave His followers.

Just like the stars He is still there. : )
In time, when the clouds and hard times are lifted,
His glory will lighten your heart and bring joy in the morning.

Psalm 30:4 and 5
Sing unto the Lord, O ye saints of his,
and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness.
For his anger endureth but a moment;
in his favour is life:
weeping may endure for a night,
but joy cometh in the morning.

Hebrews 13:5
Let your conversation be without covetousness;
and be content with such things as ye have:
for he hath said,
I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

A blessed Sunday to you.
Jesus loves you.
happyone : )