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No time for blogging yesterday. Woke up late at 7:00 and wanted to get up to HT early for a full day of work so I didn't even go for my morning walk. Got home from HT just in time to get cleaned up and then walk over to the library for my book club meeting, didn't even have time for supper. A new member showed up at the book club and I was happy to see that is was Lena, one of my walker friends. : )
Ken picked me up and we went to church.
By the time I got home I just wanted to sit, have something to eat and relax a bit.
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Walked down the main street through town, down towards HT, around the cemeteries and the ball park loop.
One of the houses on the main road right in town has been for sale since we've been here. I noticed the for sale sign was gone a couple of weeks and thought it was taken off the market. Walking by I saw a young woman putting her baby in the car by the house and stopped to talk. It wasn't taken off the market, her and her husband are the new owners. I didn't get her name but she seems very nice. : ) Maybe she'll be a walker.
I walked 5.5 miles.
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Left right after breakfast again and went to work on the cabin. I did manage to do a load of laundry and hang it out before we left.We only worked half a day today.
The sheathing on the cabin is all done and we started to wrap it. Cut out some of the windows and have put one of the windows in. : ) The window (brand new in the wrapper) was one that Ken bought at the auction for a few dollars. We put another tarp over the roof bump by the entrance. Here's the latest pictures.
After lunch we went to Lowe's and Walmart to pick up a few things. On the way home we stopped at MacDonald's for some 49 cent ice cream cones. : )
No ice cream for me tonight since I already had some so I'll be having strawberries for my snack.
Hope your day has been a happy one.
happyone : )
Great minds have purposes,
others have wishes.
~ Washington Irving
Comment replies:Ida - My favorite ice cream flavor is Chocolate Chip Mint. Like Chocolate Chip too and chocolate is another favorite.
I always enjoy your blogs. Cabin is really coming along. Can't get 49 cents ice cream cones here! Thanks for blogging. MJ
The cabin is coming along nicely. The ice-cream looks good,as it is VERY hot here right now.
Glad to see you back! I know what you mean about missing a morning walk. Due to different things that came up over a very busy weekend, I missed three mornings in a row. I couldn't wait for Monday morning to dawn so I could get out there walking again! :-)
The cabin is coming right along. You and your husband are such hard workers.
Glad to see such good progress on the cabin.
It's really coming together!!! You guys have done so much on it!!
Hello, the cabin is looking really good. It is nice you have new neighbors now, houses seem to be selling once again. Great quote for the day. Have a happy Friday!
Great progress on the cabin. I love your corn tunnel photo. We have been having a few cool morning walks but it was very hot and humid this morning. Have a great weekend!
You two are really making great progress on your HT's cabin... I'm SO impressed....
We are walking alot these days too--but could never catch up with you... I can finish the day with 14,000 steps and 4-5 miles total --but not all in ONE walk. But---we are doing okay for us!
That Ice Cream looks good.
Hi Karen, Lots of neat pictures recently. I never get tired of the pictures you take along your walks. And it has been so interesting to follow along with your progress on the cabin up at HT. Ken's work looks so professional! Lastly, your trip up to see your mom and dad sounded great and the pictures are nice. Good to hear that your mom is doing well. Have a great weekend ahead!
I hope you get a new walker friend.
Happy Trails is really coming along and looking great!
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