Picture of the Day
This guy walked right up to me
as I was sitting on a bench by the library
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I had another late start this morning on my walk and didn't leave until after 7:00. It's dark in the morning at 6:00 and I just kept on sleeping. : )It was 64 degrees and cloudy but the sky seemed to be lightening up and the sun tried very hard to make an appearance. It didn't make it during my walk but later in the morning the sun did come out.
I walked down the main road halfway to HT, then turned around and came back to town and finished my walk in town.
I was walking around the loop behind the ball park and saw a young women walking who I've never seen before. I stopped to say hi and introduced my self. She told me it was her first day walking. When I told her I walk every morning she said, "I know I see you on my way to work and you have inspired me to start walking." Her name is Rhonda and she works here in town. Today she came early so she could walk first. We talked a bit and I gave her some walking tips. Always nice to see someone else get started walking. : ) Sure hope she keeps it up.
I saw a little chipmunk sitting straight up in the middle of the road until he saw me that is. Then he scurried across the road and into the tall grass.
I walked 6 miles.
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I went out on my own today to enjoy a drive in my car and to go back to the Whispering Pines store that Ken and I went to a couple of weeks ago which is a few miles into Pennsylvania. I love just looking around in the store at all the home decorating items.Took this picture in front of the store. Nothing says Fall like pumpkins and mums.
I did a lot of looking again but this time I bought something. This needlework of The Beatitudes. I almost didn't buy it thinking I could easily make it myself, but knew I wouldn't get around to it for years. I'm going to hang it above the church pew in the foyer.
On the way home I stopped in the library at Grantsville and got another book out. Right outside the library is a little pond, (drainage pond) and I sat on the bench that is there for awhile. As I sat down all the ducks came swimming across the pond. Probably thought I had food for them.
After that I headed back home. I had a nice time on my little outing.
Hope your day is a happy one.
happyone : )
Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud.
~ Maya Angelou
Three Thankful Things Today
- My car
- The beautiful scenery along my drive
- The duck coming to see me
Comment replies:
Kim - not a silly question. I'm going to do a blog post about it soon with a new bread recipe I got from a blogger friend. The quick answer is the loaf bakes for 40 minutes at 350 degrees.
It's neat how you encouraged Rhonda. You're the rainbow in her cloud. Way to go, You!
Yes, those ducks were probably hopeful of some bread!:-) We never know who we might be influencing as we go through our days. You have had a positive influence on Rhonda! Great needlework to hang in your foyer!
What a lovely day! Those pumpkins and mum really say FALL :)
How nice when that woman was inspired by you to start walking.
I typed a fairly long comment earlier and when I pressed publish it showed an error through Blogger. First time I've seen that so I don't know what happened.
In case it happens again, I'm keeping this short. Thanks for the answer on the bread. I look forward to your post on that subject.
I think it's awesome that you inspired Rhonda to get out there and walk. I know you inspire many of us out here too :).
I always enjoy your pictures and today my favorite is the second one with the red barn and the country road. Fall makes me want to head out into the country and hopefully we get to do that soon!
Oh the duck is so cute! It was probably hoping you had some sort of treat to share with it! :) Pretty view down the country road. You are an inspiration to a lot of folks, not just the ones you encounter on your daily walks. :) Lovely display of the pumpkins and mums. The Beatitudes needlework is PERFECT for above your bench.
PUMPKINS!!!! That has me so excited for autumn!
What a nice day!
Love to see those pumpkins and mums too!! Yay !
Love that we are getting into the Fall months.
Cute stitchery !
How nice that you insprired someone else to take up walking!
I am glad that you enjoyed your outing. I love that fall-like display. Autumn must be pretty gorgeous up your way. Art
How fun to have a duck come right up to you. I'm think you are right, they probably expected food.
That is so neat you inspired someone else to start walking.
Mums and Pumpkins do remind me of fall. I saw a pumpkin on someone's steps yesterday and thought, "It's a little to early yet for pumpkins."
Have a wonderful weekend.
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