The Bible verse this month that our church is learning together
is a great verse and one that I've memorized before.
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord
shall renew their strength.
They shall mount up with wings as eagles.
They shall run, and not be weary.
They shall walk, and not faint.
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More on the trip to Pittsburgh. Christmas tree above was in the center of the room with all the gingerbread houses.
We all walked down the street to where some beautiful craft items were sold in a little village like setting. Beautiful jewelery, hand painted Christmas balls and decorations, and wooden items just to name a few.
Santa's house was there too.
And I got a picture of him arriving.
Stopped to listen to some carolers for a while.
Had some lunch and then made our way back to the cars and I'm happy to say arrived at the hotel in only a couple of minutes.
In the afternoon we back to the mall to do a little more shopping but this time we were smart and went in two taxi vans. The others did more shopping and I walked a couple of laps around the mall. I also bought one more and final gift for Ken.
We got back at the hotel just in time to get ready for the main event of our trip, which was to see the play, A Musical Christmas Carol. Back we piled into two cabs and off to the theater we went.
The play was excellent and we all enjoyed it very much. We had perfect seats - first row in the mezzanine. The two hours flew by.
Then we were out front waiting for our taxis to show up. One came and and took a group and as the rest of us were waiting for the second taxi who should walk by and say Merry Christmas was Ebenezer Scrooge himself. : ) We stopped him and had our picture taken with actor Tom Atkins. He asked where we were from and he told us he comes to Deep Creek once a year. We gave him a tract and invited him to church and told him he could sit with us. : ) Meeting Tom Atkins like that was just the icing on the cake of a great evening.
We never did eat dinner so when we got back to the hotel we ordered out for pizza. : )
So ended our last night in Pittsburgh.
In the morning we got up, had breakfast and headed home. On the way we stopped at an outlet mall for a while and we ended up getting back to the church at 4:00. I had a wonderful time and I'm so glad I decided to go.
I loved going but it was nice to get back home to my little town of 325 people. : )
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It was a misty rainy morning today and 33 degrees but nice to get back to my walk. : )
A blessed Sunday you to you all.
God loves you.
happyone : )