Our heat pump has decided decided not to work. Thankfully we have the pellet stove to keep us warm while we wait for it to get fixed. We have been using both the heat pump and the pellet stove together. We tried just using the pellet stove and blowing the heat to the other parts of the house with the fan from the heat pump like the previous owners did but we didn't like it. The fan blowing constantly just made the other rooms cold. The problem is that the thermostat is in the same room as the pellet stove and that room gets so nice and toasty but the rest of the house is cold. Ken is probably going to move the thermostat down the hall.
I made some Pumpkin Bread this morning. The recipe makes three loaves. I like to use smaller loaf pans and make 6 little loaves.
I finished The House of Velvet and Glass by Katherine Howe last night. As you know I wasn't crazy about the book but the last 60 pages of the book were better and I liked the ending. If you'd like to read what it's about and some reviews, check out this LINK.
Only discussed the book with one other person because just two of us showed up tonight. Susan thought it was slow going but liked it more than I did. I wrote a quote down that I liked from the book and she wrote down the exact same quote!!
"Only by being present can you be happy. Too much attention to the past and the future, takes the now away. And once it's gone, you never get it back."
Even though it was just the two of us it was a nice time. I had brought one of the little pumpkin breads to share with everyone so we ate bread, talked about the book, and then just talked. Susan also showed me this neat web site and we played around with that too. You type in an authors name and a bunch of other authors who are similar pop up. Here's the LINK if you want to see it.
I walked to the book club and when I left I went to the post office and dropped a couple of letters in the mail box. Then walked around town for a little bit before going home. I least I got a little walk in today. : )
I thought the church steeple looked nice lit up so snapped a picture of it.
I didn't some across any ice so tomorrow I should be good to go walking. : )
Have a great evening.
happyone : )
It's Wednesday.
I am alive.
I am breathing.
God has given me another today.
I am thankful.
I am blessed.
God is good.
Just for today.....
I will look for joy in all things.
I will enjoy what is beautiful.
I will listen.
I will believe.
~Lori Homeyer
Your pumpkin bread looks so good. Are you going to freeze some of the loaves?
It sounds like you and Susan had a nice book club meeting, even if it was small. Thanks for the link. It will be great to find some new authors. The quote from your book is a good one and so true. Interesting that you both wrote it down.
Hope you're happily walking along right about now.
Oh yes, the church steeple is beautiful when it's lit.
The pumpkin bread loaves look good. Nice for the season.
Hopefully you will like the next book the club chooses. Anyway, you are making friends through the club.
Sorry to hear about your heat pump. It's good that Ken can move the thermostat. He's a smart guy! Mary Jo
Thanks for the LINK. I will definitely use it.
Excellent picture of the church steeple!
I love the quote you chose from the book. So true, I think.
How nice to share your pumpkin bread! That's something I should be making, too.
Hopefully you have no ice on Thursday morning (when I am writing this comment), and you will be able to enjoy your usual walk.
Have a good day!
Pumpkin Bread is a FAVE Love it!
What a neat website too. Thanks for the link!!
That church spire is so lovely and it falls into that category of photos that I like so well called "Keep Looking Up."
Glad I am that you didn't risk going out walking. Snow on ice is just plain treacherous.
What a nice chance you had to visit with Susan. I'm going to follow your link based on the quote you shared alone!
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