Yesterday I reached a new personal best on my Striiv.
It was a warm 40 degrees this morning when I walked. No wind and no sun coming up over the mountain today. Just clouds.I walked around town in the dark, around the town cemeteries and the loop by the ball park. Stopped to talk to Lisa and the man that walks the white dog. Still don't know his name - I'll find out next time I see him.
While walking around one of the cemeteries a big dog came up to me barking and his owner kept calling him to no avail. I could tell the dog wasn't mean so I just walked over to the owner and the dog followed me to her. She put the dog back on the leash and apologized to me.
I saw a couple of rabbits and geese over by the little pond.
I walked 6.3 miles - 12,455 steps.
Sunrise: 7:45
Sunset: 6:17
We walked over to the library a little after 11:00 (opens at 11:00) to drop off a book, cancel one I had on hold and pick up some new ones. I just got one about growing herbs. I'd like to have an herb garden next year and figured I'd better learn about growing them first.Across the street from the library a new little cafe opened up in town called Moon Shadow and we stopped there for lunch today. Work has been going on inside and out for quite a while. I took quick peeks in the windows when I'd walk by in the mornings but was looking forward to seeing it finished.
It is really nice. There's an eclectic mix of furniture and dishes and everything is bright and cheery and the food is very good too. I had mac and cheese and Ken had a Reuben.
There are two more rooms to the place but I didn't take pictures. Friday evenings they have live local music. We will certainly go back again.
We will be home the rest of the day. It's misty out now so we aren't going up to HT. I think I'll go read about herbs now.
A happy day to you.
happyone : )
Everything has beauty,
but not everyone sees it.
Congrats on setting a new record for yourself!
I love all of the lights in Moon Shadow. Very inviting.
I love eateries like that without all the matchy-matchy of most. Looks as if one table is like my grandmother's old kitchen table that I use in my sewing room now. Very cheery!
Somehow I think you see a lot of personal bests on your meter there.
Blessed you! Herbs are very easy to grow and you'll appreciate their flavors in your cooking. Some I use just for their aroma in the garden. I love to walk by and touch them...lemon verbena, chocolate mint, rosemary, which reminds me...must get that rosemary dug up and brought in!
Ain't it fun to get to try a new restaurant ....nice
Your quote reminds me of the one that says, "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder."
Congratulations on reaching a new personal best!
The new restaurant looks very welcoming. I hope it will be successful.
Enjoy the rest of your Wednesday!
Moon Shadow looks like the perfect cozy littler restaurant. They're the best kind.
Congratulations on reaching a new personal best.
Moon Shadow looks very cheery and even better that you enjoyed the food.
I think you will enjoy growing herbs. I got hooked about 12 years ago and have fun adding them to different things while cooking.
I love that new little cafe. Looks like a great place. How nice that it is right there in your town. How fun to go back on Friday and hear the music! Good for you for setting a new personal record. I salute you!
Congratulations on your new personal best!
That's a nice-looking cafe. Glad to hear the food was good. :-9
I should try growing herbs again. My favorite at the moment is rosemary.
What a great new place to eat. Very charming and chipper.
Oh it looks like a really nice place!!
That is a pile of steps in one day! Way to go. You could have had a whole pizza at that nice little cafe and still been fine.
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