Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, October 01, 2013

A day at Happy Trails

Nice walking first thing in the morning again.  50 degrees some sun and clouds when the sun came up.  Left home and went to the library and used the book drop to return a book.  Next stop the post office to mail another netflix and then off to walk the farm loop.
I saw two bunnies and then one that wasn't fast enough running across the street.
A few cows scattered around down by the fence but they just ignored me today.

I'm watching an extension being built on a barn.  Tomorrow I'll take a picture of the progress.

There was another walker I saw in town but I turned off toward home before I caught up to her.

My camera wouldn't let me take pictures this morning.  The screen said the memory card was locked and I couldn't figure out why.  Of course everything that I saw I wanted to take a picture of!!   Figured it out once I got home, or rather Ken did.  There is a little button on the card that got pushed in somehow.  Fixed that and my camera was good to go again.

I walked 6.2 miles - 12,137 steps.
Sunrise 7:14
Sunset 6:59
I spent the day up at Happy Trails with Ken today.  He had cut a bunch of small trees down yesterday and today he put them in the chipper.  I took the chips and put them down along the path.  I got a quite a bit more of the path done.  It curves to the left a ways down in the picture.  Just a little bit more chips and I'll be down to the pond.  Then I can start start clearing another path.
It was a beautiful sunny day in the mid 60's.  Really nice working weather.  We packed a lunch at home and ate it at HT sitting at the picnic table.  Then it was back to work.  By 3:00 I had had enough of work and sat in a chair and watched Ken dig a hole with his tractor. See my feet there? Tomorrow I'll show you why he was digging the hole.  We are having another day at HT tomorrow and it will be finished by then.
It's been a good work day and I'm looking forward to a nice relaxing evening.  A little television, a snack (maybe ice cream) and making some weave-it squares.  I'd like to get a little reading in there too.

Hope you smiled often today.
happyone  : )
 There are two ways of spreading the light;
to be the candle
or to be the mirror that reflects it.
~ Edith Wharton


Vee said...

You're going to have a nice place to walk there at HT. looking forward to the pics you'll take tomorrow and the answers to the questions you've raised here...digging holes? Putting in a fish pond?

Nellie said...

Well, now you have my curiosity aroused about that hole Ken is digging.

I hope you are having a good evening! Enjoy your snack!

Beth said...

I cried and then smiled when I got a good report from my doctor's office today. I cried because I was so happy!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

You are really making Happy Trails very special.. Love it.

We were east of you last week.. The closest we got was Cunningham Falls State Park... Been there?

Glad to be home ---and it was a wonderful 10 day trip.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I'm loving that trail! The wood chips are a wonderful touch.

Kerri Farley said...

What a lovely trail!!!

Retired Knitter said...

Those trails are coming along nicely! Great job.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

You have pretty walks, it has been nice weather here also

Anonymous said...

You are doing a good job on the trail. Looking forward to seeing it some time. Mary Jo

o2bhiking said...

I love the pathway with the wood chips - it is so inviting. Makes me want to start walking and see where it goes (even though you told us). Art