Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, August 07, 2013

The First Bird

I woke up this morning listening to heavy rain, thunder and lightning.  It stopped while I was getting dressed but didn't know how long that would last so I wore my rain pants and took along my umbrella.  I had planned to walk my 'farm route' from yesterday but didn't want to be so out in the open if the thunder and lightning returned so stayed in town closer to home.  As it turned it, it didn't even rain and the sun started coming out so I could have walked that route.  Oh well, there is always tomorrow. : )

I had a nice walk around town and around the cemeteries a few times.  Lots of those rabbits around again and I also saw a woodpecker.  No people though.

I walked 6.1 miles and took 11,933 steps.
Sunrise 6:22
Sunset 8:23
The Mexican restaurant that we went to last night for supper turned out to be a nice place with great food.  So glad they because it is the only Mexican place around here.  We will certainly make it one of our regular going out to eat places.
I saw the first bird today at the feeders.  I quick grabbed my camera and got a shot of the Goldfinch.  It is a bit blurry because it's through the window and screen but still I'm excited to have been able to get a picture of the very first bird.  I wish I could give a prize of some sort. : )
Ken's office is a very bright blue so he has decided to tone it down so we are back to painting again.  He picked a light tan color. 

A mostly cloudy day with some sun and it's a bit warmer than it has been and the humidity is here too.  But still a nice day. : )
Hope you're day is a happy one.
happyone : )
I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives.
I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him.
~Abraham Lincoln
Comment replies:
Vee - Actually yes, I have thought of having chickens. : )  But that is far as I've gotten, just thinking.


mrsbearfoot said...

How wonderful you captured your first feathered visitor...the welcoming committee chief! ;-) Perhaps you can entice him to visit more with his family and friends if you hang a thistle sock for them. I've never seen our Goldfinches sit on our feeder like that. Maybe because our Sparrows are too rowdy!


Nellie said...

So glad you saw that first bird! You had already given it the "prize" of seed in the feeder.:-)

Our "country" daughter and her husband have chickens, though they have lost a few to a fox coming in the daytime.:-(

Deb J. in Utah said...

I love the picture of your first little bird. How sweet. We had some rain here yesterday and it was a nice change - really cooled things down for the day and even into the evening. I really like Mexican food too, but here in Arizona, it seems like more than half of the restaurants have some kind of Mexican food. Some of better than others. I'm glad you are enjoying your new environment.

o2bhiking said...

The male goldfinch is like a little flying jewel. I am glad you are being careful with thunderstorms. Art

Vee said...

you did give him a prize...free dinner out! It's nice to document the first bird you saw...what a handsome and smart fellow, too! why am i not surprised that you are thinking about raising chickens! = D

Winter said...

You know you're really settling in when you find favorite places. :) Once the birds find you, more will be coming. I love watching ours, the seed gets to be rather expensive, because we have this squirrel that keeps getting in our feeders. LOL

Winter said...

That's a beautiful little birdhouse.

Kerri Farley said...

Congrats on your first bird!!!

Retired Knitter said...

The word is now out!! Free food Here!! The birds will come and most especially as the weather changes in the fall and their other food sources dry up. That is what I am planning to do this year - feed the birds from fall through winter instead of year round like I have done in the past. I buy a high quality bird food with no filler so feeding the birds can get pricey.

My bird feeder is no where as nice as yours. Mine is called "The Squirrel Buster". I am afraid that your feeder, as lovely as it is, would be too easy for the squirrels in my neighborhood. If the birds want half a shot at a free meal in my neighborhood, they must eat out of a squirrel resistant feeder.