This picture today is taken on the street behind my house. Way up the hill is a corn field.
I saw three deer, a few bunnies, a cardinal, and over by the little pond two green herons. It's the second time I've seen them there. They don't stay around long enough though for me to get a picture.
I didn't see any people again but I did see my usual animal friends. The two little ponies up the hill behind my house, the three horses that live by one of the cemeteries, and that one lone chicken. I always stop and talk to them. Sometimes there is a bull in the with horses. The cows on the farms I see once in a while. They seem to wander more and aren't always where I can see them. Today the chicken had macaroni, carrots and peas dumped on the ground inside her coop. I didn't know they had that kind of stuff!!
It was a nice quiet walk and as always loved being out early in the morning walking. : )
I walked 6 miles which was 11,484 steps.
Headed up to HT again right after breakfast. We brought some outside stuff back to the house. I now have my two bird feeders hung out back (have to buy some seed yet), the bird bath out front and the summer wreath hung up on the porch.I did very well with the mower today. I've really gotten the hang of it and can turn it around on a dime. My rows are pretty straight and I can even control my speed! I now feel in control and not as if I'm on an amusement ride! While I rode Ken was mowing around the trees with the push mower. After a while I let him have a turn on the mower while I took over the mowing around the trees. Two sides of our property are lined the huge evergreens and it is hard to get the big rider mower in between them.
The sun never did come out and it even started misting a bit before we were finished with the lawn. Just as we got in the house for lunch, the rain came. We sure were lucky!!
The weather is supposed to clear up and the sun is to come out though it sure doesn't look like it now. I really hope it does though because in a couple of hours we are going to go back the the county fair to see the demolition derby!! : ) It should be fun.
Tomorrow we have another church picked out to try. Maybe this will be the one.
Hope your Saturday is a good one.
Till next time.....
happyone : )
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch,
a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment,
or the smallest act of caring,
all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
~ Leo Buscaglia
The rain never did stop so we didn't get to go to the demolition derby.
John says that when you're really good on that mower, you'll be able to turn on a dime and give a nickel back in change. ;> I thought you were doing well when you were on the amusement ride! All the best with the new church...maybe it will be the one.
Good Luck with the church tomorrow. Just don't get discouraged if it takes awhile to find the 'right' one.
Sounds like you had a great day... We had a mild day here too--but even though it looked like rain, we didn't get any...
Too bad about the demolition derby. We were supposed to get rain Thursday and Friday, but it never came. Now it is dark and cloudy again tonight, but it can be that way for days in the desert and maybe we will get rain and maybe not. Sounds like you are really getting completely settled in. That riding mower sounds fun. Can't wait to hear about the church you go to tomorrow and how you feel about it. Enjoy the rest of the weekend, my friend!
That does sound like a good day. I have never been able to get a picture of a green heron. I rarely see them but when I do, they always flush.
It sure didn't take you long to get the hang of the lawn mower.
Too bad you weren't able to get back to the fair. The rain has dashed a lot of summer plans here too.
I hope you like the church you are visiting this morning.
I'm sorry you missed your outing to the fair. The rain has played havoc with lots of plans this summer.
You're always learning something new. Now it's riding the mower! Smart lady! MJ
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