I took quite a few pictures and have posted three more of them on my photo blog. You can take a look at them HERE if you want to. It is amazing how fast the sky changes. I found myself stopping quite a few times just to watch the sky. Once the sun had come up it went behind the clouds and the show was over.
The first half of the way around the lake, I had the place to myself then once it was light out there were LOTS of people there. I even saw a fisherman.
The geese were in several large groups sitting in the water scattered about in different parts of the lake. They seemed to all be sleeping because they were so quiet! I saw a few deer around the lake as well.
No coins did I find today but I added them up for this month.
I found 1 quarter, 3 dimes, 1 nickel and 6 pennies for a total of 66 cents. I certainly won't get rich but it is still fun finding the coins. : )
Since it's the end of the year I added up all the coins from the year.
The total is $8.41 cents.
This total added to all the other coins I've found through the years on my walk makes a grand total of $223.69. As most of you know I keep all the coins in old glass banks.
On my walk today I took 12,620 steps
Sunrise 7:27
Sunset 4:55
A little while ago I mentioned a book I read by Debbie Macomber called One Perfect Word. She picks out one word to concentrate on for the entire year.The word that popped out at me to pick was TRUST.
The dictionary says TRUST means:
A firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.
- acceptance of the truth of a statement without evidence or investigation.
- the state of being responsible for someone or something.
- poetic/literary a person or duty for which one has responsibility.
- poetic/literary a hope or expectation.
I thought it would be interesting to see how many times the word TRUST is used in the Bible. As I read through it this year I'm going to circle the word each time I find it.
I have a nice big project to start this new year and am excited to begin it. Since Ken will be retiring I won't be ironing all of those shirts anymore so I won't be needing the ironing room. Soooo, I've decided to turn that room into my office. I've picked out a pretty lavender color called Vintage Violet Devotion and hope to start painting in the next few days. My computer is now in the kitchen and I have office type stuff in a few different places around the house. It will be nice to have everything neat and tidy all in one place!! I'll be able to have an office space and also have my loft for just my craft things. That will be getting a change around too which is all part of the same project.
Ken has the other small bedroom for him to do with what he wants and also the lower level of the townhouse where his office is.
I think it is good that we each can have a place of our own to go to when he is retired.
First part of the project is getting everything out of the room so I can paint. I will also be cleaning out the closet which should take a least a day. : ) Off I go to get started!!
Happy New Year to you, my friends. : )
May it be a year of good health, happiness, and lots of sunshine!!
I also pray that if you don't have Jesus in your life
that this year is the year you take him up on
His Free GIFT of Salvation!!
It will change your life : )
Happyone : )
I think we may safely trust a good deal more than we do.
~Henry David Thoreau
Thank you all for your kind words and congratulations for us on Ken's decision to retire. : ) Many of you mentioned that we can now spend a lot more time up at Happy Trails and that is what we intend to do. : )