Giving Thanks Day Challenge Number 19
This may seem like an odd thing to be thankful for
but i'm Thankful for the Window over my kitchen sink.
I don't use the dishwasher
and when i have to do the dishes,
i like looking out of the window! : )
This may seem like an odd thing to be thankful for
but i'm Thankful for the Window over my kitchen sink.
I don't use the dishwasher
and when i have to do the dishes,
i like looking out of the window! : )
I don't usually walk around the lake on Saturday because of all the runners, but i thought i'd give it a try because of the cold weather. The cold weather didn't keep the runners home though. I saw one of them in shorts and turned around and snapped this picture of him. That just seems crazy to be out in 25 degrees wearing shorts!!
I just walked a quarter of the way around the lake. I usually keep to the left here but today i took the path to the right.
Continued up along the path. I saw a few deer along this path, but they were too quick for me to get a picture.
The path leads to another entrance to the park and i walked there and then walked on the road towards home.
I walked along a couple different roads and then down this path that i frequently walk along. By this time the sun was all the way up, it had warmed up a bit and i was actually getting warm. If you enlarge the picture and look really close you can see two people up ahead. They are John and Petey, the 89 year old couple. I caught up to them and walked to the end of the path with them. They turned around and went back down the path.
I continued on and made my way back home.
I walked 6 miles.
Sunrise 6:55
Sunset 4:50
Ken was home this morning when i got back from walking so i made us some French toast.Later in the morning we went out and about to do a few errands.
When we came home i was happy to see a package sitting on my front stoop. It was some books that i had ordered a couple of weeks ago. I got the first one, A Game of Thrones, from the library after waiting for it for a while on the reserve list. I liked it right away and knew i would want to read the whole series. So i decided to just buy them. They are books that i know i would want to read again some time. I had to return A Game of Thrones to the library because i hadn't finished reading it and couldn't renew it because there is a waiting list for it. Now i'll be able to read them at my leisure.
Ken dropped me off home and went out again. I'm at home puttering around doing a little of this and that.
A beautiful sunny day and the temperature has climbed from 25 to 53!
A Happy Saturday to you.
Happyone : )
If you hold up your head with a smile on your face
and are truly thankful,
you are blessed
because the majority can, but most do not.
~ Author Unknown
Looks like you have your winter's reading, unless you are like me and finish a book in a couple of days. I have to limit myself when I go to the library, or I'd come home with the maximum number of books, and get the minimum number of things done around the house.
I smiled at your gratitude for too!
Have you noticed that the enlargement feature is gone again? I think it happened sometime in the past two weeks. Annoying.
What a nice lot of thick books! You'll have plenty of reading material for a long time.
I can't imagine wearing shorts on such a cold morning. He must be very warm blooded.
My hat is off to John and Petey to be out walking despite the colder temperature.
Enjoy your new books.
These books, are certainly wise to purchase. Something like this, is hard to get from library, because it's a popular one and others want it. :-)
Btw, we have a large library system, from which we can get books. Some places only allow local people to take out, new and popular books.
This is fine, if your own library has purchased it. But frustrating, if my own has not.
But I fully understand the policy! New/popular books should be available first, to the people living in the place, which purchased them. With their tax dollars of course.
Do you have this experience, where you live?
"Wishing for you an abundance of blessings... Happy Thanksgiving"
Yes, I (thankfully) have a kitchen window too. I do have a dishwasher and use it. I did so many dishes (it was my chore) growing up it was enough for a lifetime, for me anyway. My kitchen window faces the front yard and the trees across my street. I often ponder there. You certainly are set with your reading for awhile, great purchase, read at your own pace.
I have been ordering the game of thrones series from Audible. I am listening to the Outlander Series right now. That is another one you might enjoy.
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