Giving Thanks Challenge Day Number 15
I am Thankful for Libraries.
Walking into the library and seeing all those books
Walking into the library and seeing all those books
gives me such a happy feeling.
What a great feeling
knowing that i can pick out more books
than i can carry and take them home with me,
and not have to pay for them!
There are FIVE libraries
in my area that i visit!
This morning was even warmer than yesterday. Today it was 59 degrees, though there was a bit of a breeze and it stayed cloudy throughout my walk. It was nice though for the middle of November!! No special route today, just walked around the neighborhoods along paths and on sidewalks.
I saw lots of people out, walkers, runners, dog walkers and even a couple of bike riders.
Lots of deer in the woods this morning. I counted 13 of them. One was pretty close to the path where i was walking and i stopped and was going to take a picture of him, but as i was getting my camera out, he stomped his front foot on the ground. I don't know if that was some kind of warning, but i took it as one and moved along.
Most all of the leaves have fallen all the trees now and it makes me wonder how long it will be before i'll be taking pictures of snow along my walk.
I walked 6.3 miles.
Sunrise 6:51
Sunset 4:53
It's Tuesday once again so off i went to my knitting group. I finished the green cable square and gave it to the woman who is making the afghan for Warm Up America.
Here are the other squares she collected today. More people are making them, but haven't finished their square yet.
I didn't count all the people who showed up today but i would guess there were at least 15 people. A few of us were commenting about how well we all get along with each other. It really is a nice friendly group.
I didn't count all the people who showed up today but i would guess there were at least 15 people. A few of us were commenting about how well we all get along with each other. It really is a nice friendly group.
I had to stop at the library on the way home to return a couple of books and picked out a couple more to bring home.
Later this afternoon i'm hoping to sit down and start one of those books, but first i have a few things to do around the house, oh yeah and read some blogs.
A smile from me to you.
Happyone : )
Happyone : )
To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant,
to enact gratitude is generous and noble,
but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven.
~ Johannes A. Gaertner
I agree that libraries are a wonderful thing to be thankful for.
Hooray for Ken making it home in time for the lasagna. It sure does look good.
Your afghan square turned out very pretty and such a good cause it is going for.
Enjoy your reading time today.
I love libraries. They are the flight plan for wonderful adventures.
You knit good!!!
ah a good day indeed
So...he stomped his hoof...hmmmm
that's a good one
That's going to make an interesting afghan with so many colors and patterns represented. Oh your lasagna looks sooooo good.
Okay, now I'll have to pray for a friendly deer with a full rack for you to take a picture of. LOL! Must get specific!
Hi Karen, Glad your hubby made it home in time to enjoy the lasagna!!!! Like your recipe.. I think we are going to have tuna lasagna tomorrow night....
Love your square. Hope the lady takes a picture of the afghan.. Bet it will be pretty.
It's good to be thankful and show gratitude as you say, we have so much to be grateful for. I agree libraries are one of them ! Creativity too. x
Yes Ma'am, I join you in being happy for our Public Library System. Yes, we pay for it, with our local taxes. But no, we don't have to purchase every book we want to read, weekly. :-)
He/Ken made it home on time, this time! For the Lasagna. -clapping hands- Another *funny happening,* gone by the way-side!!! :-) (I was going to call it a *curse,* but didn't think you'd like that word, even with * * around it.)
Gentle hugs,
"No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap." ~Carrie Snow
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