Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, March 21, 2011

Delayed walk

It was 42 degrees this morning as I walked out the door. I knew rain was on the way but was hoping to get my walk in before it started.  I got no farther than two blocks up the road when it started to thunder and lightening and I knew the rain wouldn't be far behind.  As you know I don't mind walking in the rain and I have gotten caught in a thunder storm before but I figured why take a chance and came back home.  During the rain, thunder and lightening I did my Body Electric (DVD).  Then around 8:00 it was all pretty much passed with just a very slight drizzle so I put on my rain pants and yellow slicker and went for my walk then.  Very soon after the drizzle stopped and it brightened up some.
I didn't walk any of my regular routes but just went wherever my feet happened to take me.  Snapped this picture down one of the trails I walked.
The Easter Bunny must be out hiding some eggs early this year and dropped one because it looks like I happened upon one.
There were many many deer out along the paths today.  I saw a few groups of them.  Eight in one group, six in another, four and then only two.
I saw a women with three little kids in the field over by the pool trying to get a kite up in the air without much luck.  They all looked like they were having fun though.
Not many people out walking, just saw a few older people walking their dogs.
I walked 6.5 miles.
Sunrise 7:10
Sunset 7:20
The rest of the morning I puttered around the house and then it was time leave to meet a friend (Retired Knitter) for lunch at Ram's Head.  We met at the Tuesday morning knitting group and we don't really get to visit there, so every so often we meet up for lunch and a chance to talk.  Always nice spending time with friends.  I am thankful for every one of them.  :-)

Remember that blue planter I got at the auction a few weeks back?  I planted some basil seeds in it and I am happy to say that yesterday they sprouted.  It won't be long before I'll have fresh basil to put on some homemade pizza.  I'll take another picture once the plants are big.  I'll have to thin them out a bit too.
It's that part of the afternoon where I usually read or knit, but first I'm going to visit some blogs.  Once again I'm a bit behind.

Hope your Monday was a good one.
A smile from me to you.
Happyone :-)
If we had no winter, 
the spring would not be so pleasant;
if we did not sometimes taste adversity,
prosperity would not be so welcome.
~ Anne Bradstreet


Vee said...

Trying to fly a kite in drizzle? Interesting.

You didn't check out the egg? There may have been something interesting in there...☺

(John and I went for our first walk last night. We made it around the block. That's not even a mile, but better than nothing. No walk tonight in the snowstorm, but tomorrow we'll give it another go.)

HappyK said...

Vee, by the time I saw the kite flying people the drizzle had stopped. Nice to hear that you and John are walking. "-)

Barb said...

I'm wondering if a fox will find that egg? I have basil and oregano growing around my flagstone step just off the back deck in Breckenridge. I love the smell of herbs when they finally sprout (sometime in June). It was 33 here in Denver this AM but quickly warmed during my walk.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi HO, Sounds like you have some great places to walk near you... I love those woodsy trails.... Wonder where the egg came from ????

6.5 miles is a LONG walk... I haven't done as much walking recently as I did before my knee surgery... Need to start back!!!!

Love that last quote... We do need all four seasons, don't we??? Each makes the other so special.

Yolanda said...

Glad to have found your blog. Hope you have a wonderful week.

Sue said...

As always thanks for taking me along on your walk. How cool to find the egg, I usually find things like a nail, or screws that have fallen off of our truck. lol. Finding change would be nice too., and occasionally I will find a coin. One reason I enjoy outside walking is that nature is all around me, I almost stepped on a newborn lizard the other morning, didn't even phase him. lol
Thanks for coming by and for taking the time to leave me such a sweet note.

Noofy said...

As I laid in bed this morning before sunrise listening to the thunder and pounding rain, I thought of you. I prayed you would be okay out in that terrible weather (I knew you would be out in it). I'm glad you headed home when it got bad and finished walking later. How cool finding the egg, wonder what (animal) kind it is? You'll have to check back for hatchlings. I too am catching up with an good friend tomorrow, they are our greatest treasures. Monday smiles back to you.

Retired Knitter said...

Lunch was great! We will do it again! See you at knitting.

Kerri Farley said...

Oh it's so nice to see things sprout up! And lunch with a friend ..... what a wonderful way to spend the day :)

Gwendolyn said...

It is always good for me to read your posts in the morning here because you've already been out and enjoyed your walk and it encourages me to get after my exercise in for the day! Blessings on the rest of your day.

Happy@Home said...

Easter eggs and kite flying ~ signs of spring to be sure. Did you check that egg for hidden coins?
I am looking forward to fresh basil. Great idea to plant it in your cute new planter. I'll bet bulbs would be cute planted in there too. They'd fit right in with those Dutch people who are decorating the pot :).
So nice that you and Retired Knitter enjoyed lunch out.

KathyA said...

Your basil sprouted!! That reminds me that I have an herb kit I want to plant to get a head start.