Yesterdays walk was quite warm, the first day that I was actually sweating! Today it was a rainy morning walk. I didn't wear my rain slicker or pants because I would have been way too hot. I did take my umbrella along but it didn't do much good because it was also windy and I got pretty wet. It didn't mind though because it was warm and the rain cooled me off. I walked all around the lake and did not see ONE person there. It is unusual not to see any one. It didn't keep the wildlife away and I saw all the usual birds, rabbits, and deer.
Yesterday I decided once again to move the bird feeder. This time back to the front of the house right in front of the windows. Ken moved it for me. He no sooner got it put up when a cardinal came by. I had my camera and quickly took this picture right through the window.
I finished reading Best Friends Forever by Jennifer Weiner. This was the first book I've read by this author. I was looking through the new book section at the library and it sounded good. It is like the title says about two best friends. Nine year old girls meet and become best friends. A high school incident separates them and fifteen years later they meet again. In answering the door Addie, finds Val at her door with blood on her coat. I thought the book was very good. I laughed and cried and loved the ending. I for sure am going to read more books by Jennifer Weiner.
Not getting too much done today but still having a good day. I thought it was supposed to rain all day, but right now it looks like the sun wants to come out. I've done the usual house chores for today and this afternoon I'll read, maybe knit and who knows what else. Right now I'm going to go and have some lunch.
Yesterday we made homemade pizza for supper which we always enjoy. I get the easy part of making the dough!
Tonight we are going to Mamma Lucia's for supper. Monday's you get 1/2 off the second meal. I'm going to get ravioli.
Enjoy your Monday!!
Happyone :-)
The potential for joyful surprises
lurks around every corner
of almost every day.
~ Thomas Kinkade
lurks around every corner
of almost every day.
~ Thomas Kinkade
Lovely post Karen... I loved the picture. And experimenting with things has always been an interesting for me. That bird feeder sure is attractive. I hope that you get many more pictures to cherish and share.
What a pretty little bird the cardinal is, we don't get them over here. I think flowers would look very nice on the other hook.
I like the look of that path through the forest on a rainy morning. That's a great place for the feeder, but I would have a hard time keeping my window clean enough for picture taking - too many "little fingers!"
Hi Karen!
I've only read Jennifer Weiner's first two books, and I especially liked the first one. So glad you got a bird right away. It was like the cardinal was waiting. Many times I've had my camera ready, waiting for a cardinal in the snow or a squirrel or a hummingbird to show up. I hope you get lots of pictures. I think a hanging basket would be nice on the other side. Or a hummingbird feeder :)
Jennifer Weiner is a favorite author of mine -- I've enjoyed her books very much.
Cardinals are so special, aren't they?
I like to take pictures looking towards a path too and your quote seems to go right along with the picture. You never know what might surprise you around the next curve.
How fun to have a cardinal visit so soon after relocating your feeder. It looks like a perfect location.
I often see Jennifer Weiner books at the thrift shops. I think next time I'll buy one and give it a try.
Hope the ravioli was enjoyable.
I've read so many books but that one sure sounds familiar.
Nice birdfeeder. I can not put up a bird feeder because my cats will hunt for the birds and eat them....
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