I walked down this little trail off the main path
and walked along this stream for a bit.
I saw only a few people out this morning and all of them were walking dogs. Never did see the sun. It is supposed to rain later and I'm glad it held off for my walk.I came across this other trail off the main path that has just had some fresh wood chips put out along it and couldn't resist following it.
A bench a long the trail
There is a circle here to the left and the trail turns around and leads back to the main path.
It's not long, only about 1/4 of a mile. What a nice little trail though and I saw and I saw a few deer at the end of it. I spooked them and they all ran away before I could take a picture.
I walked just over 6 miles.
Hope you enjoyed the pictures for today. It really was a great walk.
Have a great day and if you can, get out there and take a little walk. :-)
Oh this is a LOVELY trail!!
Beautiful! And you always check for ticks, too, right, Karen? It suddenly dawns on me that you're under all that foliage and it's been so wet. (I was out raking this morning and found a tick when I came in. Mercifully, before he'd had time to have breakfast.)
HI DEar Karen,
Beautiful pictures.... looks like a forest a princess would wander in....
That looks like an enjoyable walking route. Very interesting little fact about the skunk cabbage. I'm not sure if I have ever seen it in person, but if I do I think I will avoid stepping on it.
Beautiful, green and lush.
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