I walked 6.3 miles.
Sunrise 6:46
Sunset 7:35
Once again I sat outside on the deck for a while this afternoon. More wasps were there again so out came the can of wasp spray!! I really can't keep chasing them down with that spray all the time. Doesn't anyone have any ideas about keeping wasps from coming around?Sunset 7:35
The temperature made it into the 80's today and is 20 degrees above average. It sure is better than winter snow!!
I got a call from my friend Bernice today with the news that they just adopted a dog from the animal shelter. A 6 month old Lab mix. Then she sent me these two pictures of her. They named her Libbie. :-)
I made Taco Salad for dinner this evening and after that we did our taxes. Such a nice feeling being finished with that. We do our own with Turbo Tax.
Now it's time for a little television and a snack. A different one than usual, Oreo cookies. :-) No, I don't like to dunk mine, but I do like to take them apart and eat the icing first.
I hope you had a great start to your week!
Happyone :-)
I've never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful.
~Author Unknown
~Author Unknown
Sounds like a good Monday. Don't you just love this weather? Spring has just exploded! Art
Glad you are having such good weather for your early-morning walks! Sounds as though you are seeing more wildlife. Is there a wasp nest nearby? What would be attracting them? I'm in Breckenridge - it's snowing here.
Wonder what is attracting the wasps? Hope that there's nothing handy for them to make a nest. Foaming wasp spray is what I like better than the liquid stuff. But like you said, that's not ideal all the time.
Libbie is a sweet-looking pup! The geese -- not so much! :)
Congrat to your friend with a new cute dog :)
Libbie looks like she will be a great pet. I love dogs and hope I'll always have one. They are such great companions.
I don't know what can be done about the wasp problem.
Hi Dear Karen,
That is a cutie there.... and i loved the thought....
We are sleeping with the windows up....such a short period of time but we shall enjoy it. I hope you have a fabulous day! Love you, Pamie
Yesterday's weather was glorious. I'm sitting on my deck now (no bees) for a few minutes before going to work. Boo hoo. Enjoy another day of beautiful weather!
I have to agree with the others in suggesting you see if there is a wasp nest nearby. We got rid of a nest last summer and that solved our problem. So far so good this year.
What a shame that those darn wasps are causing problems when you want to be out enjoying your deck. I join the other commentors in wondering about a nest. We have had some try to start nests on the inside of our picnic table umbrella.
Our weather has been hot. Today it reached 90. Taco salad sounds great on a hot day like this.
Libbie is a very cute dog.
We have wasps too! I was stung 4 times last summer- twice inside my own house!!! My hubby was stung 3 times. It had been YEARS since either of us had been stung! I'm ready for them this year!
What a sweet-faced pup your friend adopted. I just adopted a wire haired Jack Russell terrier and she is something else!
That sure is a cute dog that your friends adopted.
I've noticed a wasp or two flying around our back yard this week. It must be time for them to stake out a new place for a nest. Keep that spray handy!
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