Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, April 05, 2010

Early morning was cloudy but it didn't take long before the sun broke out of the clouds. I walked around the lake and took a couple pictures of geese. These enjoying a swim while this one ate breakfast and couldn't be bothered to even stand up. He must not be a morning person. :-)Lots of deer around the lake and saw quite a few people out exercising too. Not only the regulars but people who I haven't seen before too.
I walked 6.3 miles.
Sunrise 6:46
Sunset 7:35
Once again I sat outside on the deck for a while this afternoon. More wasps were there again so out came the can of wasp spray!! I really can't keep chasing them down with that spray all the time. Doesn't anyone have any ideas about keeping wasps from coming around?

The temperature made it into the 80's today and is 20 degrees above average. It sure is better than winter snow!!

I got a call from my friend Bernice today with the news that they just adopted a dog from the animal shelter. A 6 month old Lab mix. Then she sent me these two pictures of her. They named her Libbie. :-)
I made Taco Salad for dinner this evening and after that we did our taxes. Such a nice feeling being finished with that. We do our own with Turbo Tax.

Now it's time for a little television and a snack. A different one than usual, Oreo cookies. :-) No, I don't like to dunk mine, but I do like to take them apart and eat the icing first.

I hope you had a great start to your week!
Happyone :-)
I've never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful.
~Author Unknown


o2bhiking said...

Sounds like a good Monday. Don't you just love this weather? Spring has just exploded! Art

Barb said...

Glad you are having such good weather for your early-morning walks! Sounds as though you are seeing more wildlife. Is there a wasp nest nearby? What would be attracting them? I'm in Breckenridge - it's snowing here.

Vee said...

Wonder what is attracting the wasps? Hope that there's nothing handy for them to make a nest. Foaming wasp spray is what I like better than the liquid stuff. But like you said, that's not ideal all the time.

KathyA said...

Libbie is a sweet-looking pup! The geese -- not so much! :)

Helen said...

Congrat to your friend with a new cute dog :)

Jeanne said...

Libbie looks like she will be a great pet. I love dogs and hope I'll always have one. They are such great companions.
I don't know what can be done about the wasp problem.

Rathi said...

Hi Dear Karen,

That is a cutie there.... and i loved the thought....

Pamie G. said...

We are sleeping with the windows up....such a short period of time but we shall enjoy it. I hope you have a fabulous day! Love you, Pamie

Cheryl said...

Yesterday's weather was glorious. I'm sitting on my deck now (no bees) for a few minutes before going to work. Boo hoo. Enjoy another day of beautiful weather!

George said...

I have to agree with the others in suggesting you see if there is a wasp nest nearby. We got rid of a nest last summer and that solved our problem. So far so good this year.

Happy@Home said...

What a shame that those darn wasps are causing problems when you want to be out enjoying your deck. I join the other commentors in wondering about a nest. We have had some try to start nests on the inside of our picnic table umbrella.
Our weather has been hot. Today it reached 90. Taco salad sounds great on a hot day like this.
Libbie is a very cute dog.

Stickhorsecowgirls said...

We have wasps too! I was stung 4 times last summer- twice inside my own house!!! My hubby was stung 3 times. It had been YEARS since either of us had been stung! I'm ready for them this year!
What a sweet-faced pup your friend adopted. I just adopted a wire haired Jack Russell terrier and she is something else!

Lindy said...

That sure is a cute dog that your friends adopted.

I've noticed a wasp or two flying around our back yard this week. It must be time for them to stake out a new place for a nest. Keep that spray handy!