Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Changing the living room around

Another morning, another walk. :-) Walked my 6 miles around the lake. At first it seemed like I was going to have the whole lake to myself but then when I got about half way around it I started seeing a lot of people. I haven't seen many of the regulars. I think what happens is people decide to start walking and then after awhile for what ever reason they just stop walking. Then I meet a new group of people and it continues. There are always the same few though that are out there every day for years.
I stopped to take this picture of the morning sky.There are a lot or rabbits out and about lately and the geese have been flying from one side of the lake to the other.
There are two deer in this picture. They stopped eating to watch me pass by. The one you can see easily but the other just off to his left is hard to find.
I want to Thank you all for your comments about by Dad. It means so much to me and to him and my Mom that you will be praying for him.

I spent the day moving the living room furniture around. I made such a mess and had things every which way. I'm glad no one came to the door because I wouldn't have even been able to open it. I had lots of stuff to move out of the way before I could even begin to move the furniture. Slowly one thing at a time was moved to its new spot and once again hours later I had the living room in order. I really enjoy doing this and it's a great opportunity to really clean in all the places they I usually just skim over during routine cleaning.
Here's some before and after pictures of my work. Pictures aren't the greatest but you can get an idea of what I did.
Taken from the kitchen doorway.
Standing by the front windows.
Standing by the door with the front windows on left.Camera moved to the right.
Tomorrow it's the kitchens turn.
After working it felt good to take a shower and then sit down and read for a little while.

Not sure yet what we're doing for supper. We'll decide once Ken gets home from work. Now I'll go back to reading until that happens.

I hope this Thursday you made a happy memory.
Happyone :-)
He who has nothing to die for has nothing to live for.
~Moroccan Proverb


Vee said...

Well I guess you really did do some major shifting around. It looked good before and it looks great now, too. I love those swans on your sofa table! Well, everything just looks so nice and what a cozy, warm, comfortable spot you've created.

Cheryl said...

You're amazing! All that work by yourself. Did you know beforehand how you'd change it? It looks great.

karen said...

your living room looks great. Before and After. My son wants to move things around in ours but he just talks about it . Nothing ever gets moved. :)

Happy@Home said...

You really did move things around!! It looks great ~ so warm and cozy. I enlarged the pictures to get a closer look :-) I see your knitting baskets and Nancy Drew book collection and can just imagine what a comfortable room you have created to read or knit in. I love a fresh new look from time to time. I think I am about due for that here.

HappyK said...

Cheryl, no I took everything but the chairs out of the room and then just moved all the chairs around many times before it felt right. Then I moved all the little things in around the chairs. Its really fun to do. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi, I liked to see all your photos, from your walk and from your livingroom. I like to do changes too, and moving things around makes a lot of mess - but it looks good when we`re done :) Your livingroom is very nice.
Good luck with the kitchen tomorrow.

George said...

I like the changes you've made in your living room. It looks nice, but was lots of work.

KathyA said...

Yes, being able to open the front door is a priority!

My mom used to move furniture around a lot. My dad would kid that when he came in late at night, he had to watch where he walked!

Lindy said...

Looks lovely, no matter which way you have the furniture placed!