It was a stay at home day for me today. I finished moving the furniture around and made room for the two new chairs. The two old chairs have been taken to the old house. (We will sell the house in the spring.)
I got some laundry done and hung up on the line. It was pretty windy out and the clothes kept getting tangled around the line and I was forever going out there to unwind them. But they eventually dried and they smell wonderful as always.
In the afternoon I gave my car a good wash. It was very dirty from driving in the rain. She is now a nice shiny red once again.
Here is a picture of the baby blanket I've been knitting. I started it a week ago today. It is 16 inches long and the finished length will be 42 inches so I have quite a lot more to go. It's an easy pattern though and I can work on it while watching television.
I walked across the street and had a pizza for supper this evening. I ate two pieces and brought the rest home for another day.
I'm thinking about taking up a new hobby - sewing. I'd like to make things like curtains, aprons, table runners and other things for the house. I might even try quilting. I don't have a sewing machine but want to buy one. I don't need a fancy one that does millions of different stitches, just a nice simple model. I know a lot of you sew and I was wondering if any one has any advice about which kind of machine to buy.
I hope all is well in your part of the world and you had a terrific Tuesday.
Karen :-)
The future is that time when you'll wish
you'd done what you aren't doing now.
Sewing is fun way to create unique things for your home...and cushions, curtains and runners are a fun place to start. I won't even think about giving a recommendation...since my old faithful sewing machine is 38 years old, so I have no idea what is good these days! Let's just say mine has been great. Have fun!
Sounds like a fun couple of days. You are a talented lady! Art
I would love to sit and eat pizza while watching the world go by. Sounds peaceful.
My mom could not see very well for years and she made quilt tops after quilt top and a few quilts . All by hand. And if you wash them they fall apart. I had her last one quilted by a lady to save it. It cost $ 200.00. But worth every penny. I think any sewing machine will be ok. But I have no idea. There are so many wonderful sewing bloggers out there that I bet will help .
You have a beautiful house my dear friend...... and the baby blanket is turning out into a beautiful piece of art...... It's really good to hear you tell us all these things.... And the pictures that you take are really beautiful !!!!
I know you'll be good at sewing because you are so creative already. I can't believe you did all that knitting in a week, amazing!
I have a Bernina machine which is great but I have had alot of problems with it.....but I know other peole who never sew with anything else, including my mother.
The trees along your walk look so pretty. We are starting to see some color here too.
The baby blanket is coming along nicely. We are getting our first cool weather today and I am looking forward to snuggling under my beautiful afghan tonight.
I too think you will be great at sewing. I have my mom's old Singer sewing machine, but unfortunately it never gets used. Maybe someday.
Love your quote today.
Tuesday was terrific, thanks!
The baby blanket is beautiful, Karen, as are the photos of the tree foliage. I think you'd be great at sewing! And I see you gave eating alone in a restaurant another try. Good for you!
I love the fall colors at the trees, very beautiful. Good luck with your new hobby :)I got a new hobby too. It`s called "makrame`".
I have just started to learn it.
Hi Karen
Those trees were so beautiful! I keep bringing my camera to the park but the trees are still basically green. We live near the ocean, so that might be why.
The blanket is beautiful! I like the colors.
I don't sew, but wish I did. Maybe someday I'll take it up too. I'm sure a good sewing supply store can give you some recommendations for a good machine.
Pizza leftovers are always so good! Enjoy!
The trees are positively beautiful and the baby blanket has the lovely Autumn colours too.
Hi Karen,
I think any kind of sewing machine would be fine. Go to Penny's or Sears. I think they should be pretty inexpensive.
I used to sew but never was really good at it. Now I don't seem to have the patience.
That was nice of your mother to give you her machine. It's probably better that one you can buy today also.
Happy Sewing!! Looking forward to seeing what you make.
Those orange and red leaves are sure brilliant against the green! Looks like you're making great progress on the baby quilt. You'll have it done in no time.
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