By the old house when I walked I would find quite a few coins but I hardly find any here at this house. Today though I found 3 dimes and 4 pennies. :-)
I stopped and took a picture of these mums and pumpkins lined up on the stairs.

I did a bit of cleaning this morning and then a little reading. Walked across the street to the Giant and picked up a few things.
My mom read my blog yesterday and read that I was going to take up sewing and that I was going to buy a sewing machine. She told me she never sews anymore and asked if I would like to have hers. Yes Yes, thanks so much Mom. When I go and pick up the chairs I'll get the sewing machine too. I feel like Christmas has come early for me this year! :-)
It was cloudy and cool all day and by the time I left the house at 5:00 to go to the library it was raining. (My car sure didn't stay clean for very long.) I had to go and pick up a book that I had on hold. While I was there I looked up some books on sewing and checked out these 4.
I had a half of a sandwich and a cup of tomato soup for supper before knitting. The soup was delicious and just perfect for this rainy cool evening.
I got home 9:20.
You will find me reading for the rest of the evening.
I can't believe how fast this Wednesday as gone by.
I hope your Wednesday was a day of happiness for you.
Karen :-)
One of the weaknesses of our age
is our apparent inability
to distinguish our needs from our greeds.
What a nice day! And LOVE your new header shot!
Great news on the sewing machine!!
What a nasty day today. I'm staying in!
There you go...a sewing machine without all the decisions!
I like your header picture.
I'm wondering if you walked's so cold and raw!
Wow, that sock is great!
How sweet of your mom to give you her sewing machine. I look forward to seeing what your first project will be. Those books look like they will have some great ideas to get you started.
I am impressed with the sock that the man in your knitting group made. Very nice.
We are having cold weather and rain today. Last night I curled up under my new afghan with a cup of tea and a good book. It was wonderful. Thanks again.
What a great solution to the sewing machine thoughts. Mum's are great !
I've been hearing the blue jays here, but haven't seen them. They're sure noisy! They always remind me of 'going back to school' time as I remember hearing them while sitting in the classroom. Guess I should have paid more attention to the teacher! LOL!
I like the picture of the mums and pumpkins. Is this at your place? Very quaint and artsy. :D
Great stroke of luck for you, being able to get your mother's sewing machine. Looking forward to seeing your new projects.
Okay, I can see I'm going to have to get over my fear of learning to knit. No offense to your knitting buddy, but if a man can knit that well, I should be able to learn! That's a beautiful sock he made.
Lindy - No that isn't my steps. Just passing by and liked how it looked. Knitting is easy - you should try it! :-)
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