Finished reading another book.
The Cat Who Sniffed Glue
by Lilian Jackson Braun.
Talked to a long time friend Pam, on the phone yesterday. We had a lot to catch up on and we talked almost an hour.by Lilian Jackson Braun.
I met Cheryl and Bonnie for lunch at Ram's Head this afternoon and as always enjoyed the time we spent together.
I just had a salad for lunch and then went ahead and ruined my low calorie lunch by ordering a piece of Boston Cream pie for dessert. Bonnie and Cheryl did have a taste but I ate most of it.
Bonnie makes beautiful things out of glass and made me this soap dish for my downstairs guest bathroom. I love it and the colors are just perfect. Thanks so much Bonnie. :-)
After lunch Bonnie had to leave but Cheryl and I went in to a couple of stores to look around. Then I was off to an appointment, then pizza for supper and then finally back home.
I haven't done any reading or knitting yet today so I'll be doing both later. A little bit of television, a snack, and some blog reading and that will be my evening.
I probably shouldn't have a snack after that Boston Cream Pie but I think I'm going to have a brownie and milk anyway. :-) Maybe I'll walk an extra mile tomorrow.
I hope your Monday was a day with happiness in it.
Karen :-)
Happiness depends upon ourselves.
I love the soap dish! Sounds like you had a busy day.
As always, it was great seeing you today. I stayed at Queens Ink for about an hour after you left!
Do you have a view of the moon from your deck? Hasn't it been amazing?
Gorgeous day today. I hate having to work this time of year, I just want to be outside. But I am lucky to have that paycheck! :)
Glad your Monday was happy, Karen. Art
The glass soap dish is really pretty!
6 miles is quite long! and i'm thinking that's only one way??? i'm glad you got reconnected with a friend. take care, ms. karen!
Sounds like a wonderful day with friends! and that soap dish is AWESOME! LOVE it!
It sounds like you had a great day. Your new soap dish is so pretty and looks perfect with your paint color.
I know I would have had to eat the brownie. I would rationalize it by thinking I wouldn't want it to get stale after all the work I put into making it. Also, like your quote says "happiness depends upon ourselves" and it would definitely make me happy to end the day with a brownie and a glass of milk :-)
The picture of the tree is wonderful -- I love the light. I also like the soap dish you were given. It sounds as if Monday was a great day.
I love the soap dish. And sounds like you had a wonderful day. I think 6 miles will work off the pie and brownie. Have a great evening.
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