Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, September 28, 2009

Yesterday it was

raining in the morning when I woke up and I just turned over and went back to sleep. The day ended up with lots of sunshine. I went for my walk late afternoon just before supper.
I saw this deer and her baby along one of the paths.
This morning it was dark when I headed out on my walk around the lake, but by the time I got home it was sunny.

I have finished reading, While I'm Falling
by Laura Moriarty
This book is about a family who lives through a divorce. It has some sad and happy parts and all in all I thought it was a good book.

I stayed home during the day and got some cleaning done. I was going to do the whole downstairs but just did the living room. I'll do the kitchen tomorrow.

Dinner for me tonight was at Longhorn - ribs, sweet potato and grilled veggies. I brought the left over ribs home for dinner tomorrow.

This evening I'll watch some television, have some more chocolate chip cookies with milk and then some knitting. Hopefully I'll get a little reading in there somewhere too.

Hope you all is well in your part of the world.
Karen :-)
Love is an act of endless forgiveness.


Jeanne said...

You have such a great place to go walking. We will be camping soon and maybe I'll see deer then.
Have a nice evening.

karen said...

My brothers yard is full of deer in the early morning. They love to sleep there. I wish he would take pictures. It is going to be 38 degrees here tomorrow morning . Burrrr! I am ready for fall not winter. Happy walking.


Goosey said...

Your life sounds so relaxed Karen, lovely. The deer picture is good, looks like you were really close. x

Kerri Farley said...

I LOVE to sleep in when it's raining out! Your quote at the bottom is so true! Hope you are doing well Karen!
Thinking of you!!

KathyA said...

The deer repellent we use in the back yard is no longer effective. I can tell as HERDS have been grazing on my gardens for the past two weeks.
Turning over and sleeping while it's raining out is one of life's my wonderful pleasures!

George said...

You got a great picture of the deer and fawn. Very well done!

Happy@Home said...

Great picture of the deer.
Your post made me hungry. The dinner at Longhorn sounds sooo good. Maybe it's because it is almost lunch time.

karen said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog. I am better now.