this morning. Now that it is so light in the morning it's hard to stay in bed until the alarm goes off. So we got up earlier than usual and I was out the door walking a little after 6:00. A bright sunny morning, which was just perfect for walking. I walked the paths through the woods and around the neighborhoods and walked 6 miles.
Click on the photo and you can see the deer better. I think she looks pregnant. What do you think?
Remember Peter Falk in Columbo? We picked up a DVD from the library this weekend and watched an episode last night. I don't think I'd want to watch a whole season but an episode or two is fun to watch.
Another DVD we picked up was Deadwood. A western series that I thought was just awful. I didn't like it at all!! It's one of those shows where they say "the bad word" two times in every sentence. We didn't even watch one complete episode.
After breakfast, the first thing on my list of things to do today was laundry. Did that and hung it out to dry. Then I drove over to the old house and mowed the lawn - back and front. My friend Lin stopped by again and I spent the same amount of time talking to her as I did mowing the lawn. :-)
I also picked up some branches that had fallen down and got a bit of weeding done too. I got a grass cut on my finger - ever get one of them? Ouch! It's just like a paper cut.
Next home for some lunch and I made another loaf of bread. The bread came out perfect this time. When I took the dough out of the bread machine and put it in the loaf pan I let it sit for a bit to rise slightly while the oven was preheating. I then baked it at 375 for 32 minutes. I have been experimenting with baking time and I finally got it perfect. Yes, I did eat a piece. Just a very thin slice. It's so good it doesn't even need butter.
Then there was the ironing to do. I ironed Ken's shirts while listening to an audio book. I'm listening to, Just Take My Heart by Mary Higgins Clark. She lives in the part of NJ where I come from and I recognize a lot of the names and places that are in her books, which is kind of neat.
After ironing, came time to do my exercise DVD which I really had to make myself do because I really DID NOT want to do it.
And now here it is almost 4:30 and I seem to have run out of time for cleaning again today. I really meant to do the upstairs. That will have to be put off until tomorrow.
Next up for me is to have a drink of ice cold water and then I'm going to read for a while until Ken comes home.
Since we are completely out of ice cream I think after supper a trip to Weis for ice cream sounds like a great idea.
I hope you are having a happy day this Tuesday and if not, look a little harder and you will find something that makes you smile! :-)
Happyone :-)
There's always something out there to be happy about. We find our own happiness, don't we? And you sure know how to fill up a day. Sounds like a happy one to me!
No wonder you get so much done in the day -- you get up bright and early. It sounds as if you had a great day (we did too). I'll have to admit that I really enjoyed Columbo when it was on TV.
I 've seen all of the Columbo episodes and love them. I understand Peter Falk isn't doing very well these days. Sad.
Lordy you get up early!!
It makes me tired just to read about all that you accomplish in a day.
Grass cuts ~ yes I do remember getting those before. Ouch.
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