There are a few water fountains with cups for water in a few different places for people exercising around the lake. It always bothers me that some people throw the cups on the ground after their drink. It's so nice that the water is there you would think that everyone would throw their cup in the trash can that is right next to the water. I picked up a bunch of cups today.
After breakfast I made up a food shopping list and off to the commissary I went. With all the house building going on around my house sometimes it's hard to get out of my road. Today was one of those times. The road was completely blocked by some big truck and I had to wait awhile for someone to come and move it out of my way.
Finally got out of my road and drove to the base where there is road construction going on and I had to take a detour. The base always has the most complicated detours that bring you all over the place. I'm sure glad the way was well marked with detour signs. On the way to the commissary there were only a few cars taking the detour but later when I left there were many cars coming on the base and traffic was very slow going. So glad I went in the morning and I was leaving instead of arriving! :-)
I didn't get home till a little after one, then put all the groceries away and had some lunch.
Another day for Body Electric (exercise DVD) and now it's a little after 3:00. Once again my house cleaning is not getting done. Tomorrow I am planning on staying home all day and I will for sure do it then. It's supposed to rain this evening and for the next two days. I won't have any excuse. :-)
I'm going to spend a little time on the computer and then make something new for supper. I love how Lydia cooks and she gives me ideas. Tonight I'm going to start like Lidia does with onions cooked in olive oil and then make that hot spot of hers and add the garlic. Then I'll add some chopped zucchini, yellow squash, celery and carrots. Add some tomatoes and let it all cook for a bit. Make some kind of pasta and throw that in. I'll let you know how it comes out.
Have a happy Wednesday.
Happyone :-)
It's always springtime in the heart that loves God.
Sounds like a good day and if it's going to rain then thats a good time to do the housework.
Now there is a word I don't understand...what is a commissary? Is it a kind of shop?
Take care, love Goosey x
Lidia cooks just like my grand mother did and even reminds me of her a little. So how did the dinner turn out?
Supper sounds delicious! I was sorry to hear that you have litterbugs up your way.
What a great day you had! It was cloudy and coolish when I walked this morning too. No rain, but no glaring sun either! LOL! Take care!
I love watching the Lydia videos. How was dinner?
Like you, I am bothered by litterbugs. I think it is laziness. How nice of you to pick up the cups and put them in their proper place.
You may not have gotten your house work done, but it sounds like you had a productive day.
I am going to have to figure out when Lidia is on in my area and watch her. I love to watch inspriring cooking shows. Your dinner sounds like it will be very tasty and healthy too. Anxious to hear how it turns out.
BTW, to answer the question you asked me, we keep our boat across the street from our house. It is very convenient. Last summer we hardly got out on it due to being busy with my mom's move. I hope to be able to enjoy it more this summer. How nice that you have those fond memories with your dad.
Your new header shot is completely amazing!
The new dish you are making sounds yummy....can't wait to hear how it turned out.
Goosey - the commissary is a food store on a military base. My husband was in the Navy for 20 years and we still get to use the stores on base. It's one of the benefits we continue to get.
Thank you, I understand now!
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