I had French toast again for breakfast but this time I used the whole wheat bread I made yesterday. It was good but I prefer white bread for French toast.
I did some computer work that I had to get done, finished cleaning the downstairs and then I spent more time with my books. Got more books deleted and new ones entered in LibraryThing. I have a little more to go and then I'll start taking pictures of the covers and add them also.
That was pretty much my day. I feel good getting all my books organized. :-)
We went out for a bite to eat and we went for a stroll around the neighborhood when we got back.
Now I'm about to go and watch a couple of Seinfeld episodes and have my snack. I've decided to go with the chocolate chip cookies this evening. I'll be doing some knitting also.
So here it is Friday already and I hope it was a good one for you.
Smile - it makes people wonder what you've been up to!
Happyone :-)
I was on the website RealAge this morning and was so happy to read this paragraph about drinking water.
"You’ve probably heard that you should drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water every day, but there’s no magic to this number. And the right amount varies according to your activity level and size; just drink enough water so that your urine is clear. "
This makes me happy because I so often I hear that we should all drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water a day. I've tried to do this and for me, that is way too much water. I am in the bathroom literally, and I do mean literally every 10 minutes. If had to drink that much water I wouldn't be able to go anywhere. People have told me that my body would get used to all the water and then I wouldn't have to go as much. That never makes sense to me and it's nice to know that not every one agrees with having to drink so much water. I drink just enough water for ME!!
Thank You, Thank You RealAge! :-)
Yes, the water thing is ridiculous. Not to mention that one flushes a lot of nutrients and minerals out of the body with all that water. They don't have time to be absorbed. That's what my doc told me.
You could open your own library at this rate!
Sensible advice on the water drinking. I could never drink 8 glasses either.
It sounds like you had a productive day with time for pleasurable pursuits too.
Have a great weekend.
You captured a beautiful picture of the fog -- I really like it. I get regular emails from RealAge and they seem to make a lot of sense to me. Of course I'm prejudiced since they said my real age was less than my chronological age!
Still cloudy -- hoping the sun will burn through. Today we 'play' in the rose garden.
Triathalon at Centennial Park tomorrow. The roads should be jammed.
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