Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside.
Elizabeth von Arnim
Thursday, May 14, 2009
A bit drizzly
this morning while I walked but it didn't last long and I walked around the paths and streets in the neighborhood. Didn't go on any regular route today - just went where ever the spirit moved me. On these days I'm really glad I wear a pedometer so I know how far I went.
Did some of the downstairs cleaning today but when I got to dusting the book shelves I ended up taking more books down to get rid of them. Now I am in the process of taking them all off the computer from LibraryThing which is my online library. I have other books that I have to add to LibraryThing too and it is quite time consuming to do this. Eventually I want to take pictures of the book covers too. Most of the book covers are already in LibraryThing and I can just get them from there but there are still quite a few I can't get there. Oh and by the way I have decided to keep the Bobbsey and Nancy Drew books - at least for now.
I'm am keeping all of my Charles Dickens books too because he is my favorite author and I do like rereading them. All his characters are unforgettable and I love reading about them.
A while ago I mentioned I didn't like how big the slices of bread were when I made bread in the bread machine. Debbi had a great solution and it was so obvious. She said just to make the dough in the bread machine and then bake it in a loaf pan in the oven. I did just that today. After I put all the ingredients in, instead of pressing the 1A bread cycle, I pressed the dough button. I forget exactly how long it took but it wasn't much more than an hour. Then I put it in a loaf pan and baked it for 40 minutes in a 375 degree oven. It took a lot less time than the 4 hours and 20 minutes it takes if the bread machine does the cooking too. Here's what my whole wheat loaf came out looking like.
I had a very small piece when it was done and it was delicious!! Debbi has a baking stone that she uses to bake rolls, round loafs or any shape she wants on. She has an extra one that she said she would give to me.
Thanks Debbi for a great solution. That's my girl!!!
The tent caterpillars are out - I found one crawling around in the house today. This picture came out a bit blurry because he was moving pretty fast at the time.
After supper Ken and I went for a short 2 mile walk. We went on the path to the lake and then back along the road. A nice after dinner walk.
In a little while it will be snack time and tonight I am having ice cream. Between the 2 mile walk tonight and the 6 miles I walked this morning I have no quilt at all. :-)
No Netflix but we have a couple episodes of Frasier that we got from the library to watch and I'll knit like I do most times watching television.
Hope you all had good day with some moments of happiness scattered throughout your day.
Happyone :-)
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Great idea with the bread!
The tent caterpillars really skeeve me out!!!
I'm glad you found a solution to your bread problem. The loaf you pictured looks absolutely delicious. I'd like to say that you can keep the tent caterpillars, but I imagine they will soon be here as well.
You are so organised with your books, very impressive.The bread thing is a good idea too, I think I may try that too.
I have never heard of a tent caterpillar...I will have to Google it!
Great solution to your bread problem. There's nothing like freshly baked bread. I am planning to make a loaf today.
I have seen a few caterpillars around here too. They always chew up my oak tree leaves if we don't take measures against them.
Have a great weekend.
Thank you for the reminder on tent caterpillers. I'll have to check my apple tree when I get home. Those buggers are nasty, and what they can do to a tree!
Now I'm hungry after looking at your bread! off to lunch!
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