Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Thursday, April 30, 2009

A quiet day

No rain today on my walk but it was cool and cloudy. Stopped for a bit to talk to another walker - we were going in opposite directions so didn't walk together.
I spotted a geese family having breakfast down by the lake. :-)
Talking about geese - remember the geese from the parking lot where Ken works? They are now a family of five. The eggs must have hatched a while ago and she had been sitting on the babies protecting them because this morning they were all walking around and by the afternoon Mom and Dad and the 3 babies had all left.
I watched the workers building up the cinder block wall on the new townhouses for a while. They have quite a system going and it's fun to watch. I took this picture out of my bedroom window. Didn't feel like doing my exercise this afternoon but I made myself get up and do it and then felt good after I was done. :-) Spent some time up in the loft working on the cross stitch. I can't believe how fast the time goes when I'm doing that!! Read some more of Breaking Dawn and I'm going to go and finish it in just a bit. A pretty quiet day around the house. Hope you made some happy memories today. Happyone :-)


ShirleyAnn said...

Those geese really facinate me. Sounds like you had a good day.

KathyA said...

I met Taryn yesterday at the salon. She's very sweet!
Funny how exercise does that, isn't it?

Vee said...

Don't forget to show us your progress on the cross stich from time to time...I know you're just getting started.

The geese family is so cute...I count four babies...are there more or did anything happen to one of them?

Enjoy another beautiful day in Happy Town.

HappyK said...

Vee - there are 5 babies in the picture. Four kind of together on the right and one is off to the left in front of papa.

Brad said...

I always think it's amazing how well critters like ducks and geese can adapt and thrive in our habitat. Remarkable.

Lindy said...

Of all the geese we have around here, I have never seen the babies. They're sure cute.

Michele said...

I just LOVE the family of geese, it's adorable!!