As you can see I've changed the look of this blog again which took up way too much of my time today. I'm keeping it like this for a long time! :-)
Thought I would make it home this morning before the rain but I wasn't that lucky. Though it didn't rain hard, just a drizzle, I did get wet. Thought about heading home early but figured I was already wet so walked my usual 6 miles. I'm glad I did because walking always makes me happy! The rest of the day was just cloudy with a little rain toward evening. Big difference in the temperature. Yesterday 90 today 60!
While walking I snapped this shot
of one lone tulip with raindrops on it.

I finished reading Freaky Green Eyes
by Joyce Carol Oates.

Franky a 14 year girl, tells the story of the breakup of her family. It is a book for young adults but one I thought was very good for any age. It is a bit depressing which I find all of Oates books to be, but this one has some happy moments in it too and I liked the ending.
I got started on my cross stitch project but did not do enough work on it to post a picture yet.
Here's a list of all the projects I'm working on.
1. The new cross stitch
2. A lighthouse needlepoint
3. Knitting a white sampler afghan
4. Knitting a blue and white ripple afghan
5. Making a weave-it afghan
It will take a while to get all these things done but eventually they will all get finished. I've been working on the light house and the white sampler afghan for years!! I'm adding this list to the side bar of my blog so I will see them listed there and maybe that will get me to finish them all.
I ordered another
Longaberger Basket from my cousin Linda today. I'm getting the Magazine Basket and I'm actually going to use it for magazines. I'm sure glad Linda is a Longaberger Consultant - I learn about all the sales. Thanks Linda! :-)
Ken got home a bit late from work and then we headed out to Sazzio's for pizza. It was just a break for Ken because he dropped me off home and had to go back to work for a while and he is there now.
I took some chocolate chip cookies that I baked a while back out of the freezer and had them for my snack.
Now I'm going to go and read until Ken comes home.
Hope you all had a good bit of happiness scattered throughout your day.
Happyone :-)
I like that...'bits of happiness scattered throughout your day.' Any happiness is good and we all need some.
Love the "new look" for your blog. Reading here always makes me feel relaxed and happy. Thanks for being you and for being my blog friend.
I, too, really like the new look of your blog. It IS really too bad that making changes like this really takes up a lot of time.... I usually get 'lost' in them.
Love your the green font, though I must use my computer trick for increasing size since my eyes are old and tired.
Do you think you have enough projects to keep you busy? My goodness, I'd be worn out thinking about two of them.
Have another happy day and I'm sure that you will!
I like your blog's new look. I can see from your list of projects that you won't have to worry about being bored for a long time!
Your new blog style is nice - makes everything stand out 'just right.'
I also like the water droplets on the tulip and the fresh greens poking through last year's remnants.
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