This is what the path looked like this morning with a light dusting of snow.
I only saw two other people out running and I also spotted a deer.
I enjoyed my walk as I do every morning. :-)
Many people think that If Only they could lose 5 or 10 pounds, or had more money, or a better job, a better car, a bigger house, or ______ fill in the blank, they would be happy.
Many people are not content with what they have always wanting that one more thing to make them happy. But whatever you have or where you live, you are already living some one's If Only. So be happy and content with what you have. :-)
1 Timothy 6:6-8
But godliness actually is a means of great gain, when accompanied by contentment. For we have brought nothing into the world, so we cannot take anything out of it either. And if we have food and covering, with these we shall be content.
Hebrews 13:5
Let your character be free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, "I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you."
I hope you have a blessed Sunday and that you are happy and content with what you have. :-)
You're absolutely right about the If Onlys. God has given us all we need to be content (even better than happy) -- we just need to recognize that!
Lots of wisdom here, including "you may be living someone's 'if only.'"
That path looks like Narnia in winter before Christmas came. Brrr...
If only more people had your positive attitude. :) Keep enjoying each day, Happy One! Art
PS: the snow was pretty up that way. We were in Old Town Alexandria and the snow with the festive holiday lights was great for being in a Christmas mood.
I really appreciate those "if only" words, great post.
I agree totally, lovely post as usual and very thought provoking for a Sunday.
True, true, and truer.
You are so right about this and it is such a good reminder to be content with who we are and what we have. Today is definitely a gift.
Your path looks so pretty with the coating of snow!
Wise words from you, I try to tell my children the same: we must be happy - we have so much.
Love the snow, here it's hard frost but we don't usually get snow, if at all , until Jan or Feb. Great words on contentment. I recall a report a little while ago that said despite increasing wealth people are more discontented because of material inequality and percieved (as thrown in our faces by the media) needs. Let's all be thankful to God for the immense bounty we have and not focus on those things we don't have.
Pretty pictures of your walking path!
And you are so right about the "if onlys." Wise words and sometimes I need to be reminded about how lucky I am.
So True!!
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