30 degrees, clear skies, and no wind this morning when I went walking in town.
Now that we had the time change I'm plunged into darkness
again when I walk.
Got to town at 6:30 and the sun didn't rise till 7:35.
Morning Walk Steps 12,004
streets where the street lights were on first.
Then once it was light enough I walked around the ball park.
RuthAnn was out walking her two dogs.
Walked over to the cemeteries and walked around both of them.
The horses were in the pasture down by the Drane house.
One kept eating but this one came over to see me
and let me give him a pet.
the sun was just getting to town.
If you look closely you can see the Jeep in the shadow in the parking lot.
🙂 🥾 ☀️
Got some window washing done today.
Front door windows, living room, and doors out to the deck in back.
I'll do a few more windows tomorrow.
So nice to look out of clean windows!!
I have to wash them pretty often.
Not having any curtains you can't hide dirty windows.🙂
Worked a bit on the puzzle.
Read some too.
Thursday is Book Club day but the book is due at the library
tomorrow and can't renew this one so have to finish it today.
The Glass Maker
Must say I'm not liking this as much as I thought I would.
I find it slow moving and confusing how time in the book is portrayed
with a stone skipping across the water.
Hundreds of years go by and it is still the same characters.
Maybe it's me but I just don't get it.
Will be interesting what the others think.
I'm thinking maybe this book club isn't for me.
Seems I'm usually the only one who doesn't care that much for the books we read.
It was a nice sunny day all day.
If tomorrow is like this I'm going to be outside tomorrow afternoon.
Supper tonight is roasted potatoes, onions, carrots, and sausage.
Yummy, super good.
Hope you enjoyed your Monday.
Thanks for taking the time to drop by.
Comment Replies:
Ginny - Debbie gave me the yarn because she knows that is the kind of yarn I use for making the baby blankets with the weave-it loom.
...washing windows is a necessary task and an awful one!
I was taking a video of the birds out my kitchen window and noticed the kitty nose art smudged on the window sill. So I need to clean it. The outside - we’ll wait till after our rainy season.
The Glass Maker was the 'Book at bedtime' on Radio 4 last week and though the writing was good I kept trying to make sense of the time-line and so got very confused. I only clean the front windows when they are misted over with salt from the sea and the street side windows have muslin curtains for privacy. No need to clean those.
What a disappointment about the book club. Who is it that chooses the books? Maybe you could get a chance to suggest one.
Shame you are a little bit disappointed with the Book Club.
As Ginny says would you perhaps be able to choose one?
Your supper sounds tasty ... enjoy.
All the best Jan
Hi Karen. That book does sound confusing. I don't clean my windows as much as I should. Your dinner sounds so good! I hope your week goes well.
We used to belong to a book club and the librarian who was there when we were meeting picked the book. Most were good but there were a few that we didn't like.
Years ago I joined a book group. For the entire first year I belonged, I didn't like a single book that was chosen. Then finally it was my turn. Things got better after that.
Washing windows is on my list of things to do. I worked in the garden today preparing soil and cleaning up. Nice to be outside.
Hello, Friend! I was ill last week and didn't do a lot of blog visiting, so I've been spending time today doing that very thing.
That picture of the church steeple is absolutely gorgeous! Is that one you took somewhere near you? And the picture of the sun coming over your town is just as breathtaking. I did find your Jeep!
I'll be starting on my window washing before very much longer. Sunshiny and warm days like we had today causes a person want to get out there and do lots of work!
Those are pretty horses. It should be getting light again soon!
I did just a little window washing today. Mine really need it!
Found your blog by way of Diana in New Zealand "Doodles n Daydreams". My husband and I lived in Columbia, MD for many many years before transplanting to New Hampshire to be closer to family. I'll bookmark your blog and be back again, I hope.
I don't like washing windows but have just finished doing the insides of all bar one. I need to wait until no one is using the chairs in the lounge so I can move them to get to the offending window.
I love all your photos this morning but particularly the sunrise and the steeple :)
The church steeple is my favorite picture of the day. You definitely have an eye for photography. We have lots of tall windows in this house, so it is an never-ending job of keeping them clean. We had a beautiful day here. I stayed out almost the entire day.
I'm not a fan of the time change. I dislike that it gets light later and stays light longer.
My windows need to be cleaned but with a dog in the house they don't stay clean for long. You can always tell which ones Gibbs spends the most time at.
Pretty photos, I love the horses.
I like the longer daylight, it does take a while to get used to the time change again. Take care, have a great day!
That's fun that one of the horses came over to say hi. Our windows are in dire need of washing. The afternoon warmed up enough on Monday for Greg to wash the car and I cleared several more planters!
You're always so busy. God bless always.
I love reading about your adventures.
I wouldn't mind washing windows so much if I didn't always end up with streaks :(
Tracy Chevalier's books can be confusing. I haven't read The Glass Maker but it sounds like 'one of those confusing ones'.
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