Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Thursday, January 02, 2025


It was 23 degrees this morning, cloudy, and windy, but I didn't want to miss another day of walking if I could help it, so got dressed and left for town.
Thought I could always come back home but I was going to give it a try.
I was dressed warmly and had my grippers on my shoes.
Glad I went because it was fine for walking.
Didn't see anyone else out though!
Just as I was leaving to come home it started snowing.
Morning Walk Steps 11,173

Walked up and down the main road and some side streets and
then headed over to the ball park.

My walking feet

Continued around the lower cemetery.
Stayed away from the one on the hill because of the wind.

I enjoyed my winter walk.

☁️    👩🏻‍🦳    🙂

Seemed like a good day to have some nice hot oatmeal 
for breakfast so that's what I had.

Still had a few things I wanted to change around so did that
and the everyday house chores.

After lunch we went to the library so see Connie since tomorrow
is her last day and gave her the card and gift card.
She is very happy about retiring and her 9 year old grandson
says he has lots of things planned for her!🙂

Finished the puzzle.

Hope you enjoyed this Wednesday and you smiled often.
Thanks so much for stopping by.

Comment Replies:
Deb - Our church hands out a little devotional book called The Baptist Bread and it has a plan to read through the Bible during the year.  The book comes out every two months. I followed that plan last year and will do that again this year.  My Bible also has a reading plan in the back of it. Our church has a reading plan in the bulletin each week too.
If you click on the Page under the header called WALKING FAQ it will tell you about the pedometer I use and also links to it. 


Sandi said...

That puzzle is really beautiful.

Lowcarb team member said...

Pleased you were able to get a walk in.
That puzzle is lovely.

All the best Jan

Bill said...

We got some snow today too but it's gone now. The puzzle reminds me of some apartments in Philadelphia.

Tom said...

...you are a patience soul to do that puzzle.

Lisa said...

Just curious. How many puzzles do you own? We used to do puzzles a lot. Always kept one on the table and just kind of worked on it when we walked by.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen! My old Apple Watch is on its way out, so I appreciate knowing about your fitness tracker. I read about it in your Walking FAQ and think I just might get one. It's very economical. Thanks for sharing the info. I love that you got out and walked even in the snow! I love the puzzle. It's a really nice picture. See you again tomorrow!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love fall puzzles, I think they are just the prettiest! My favorite is the first one with the houses.

Granny Marigold said...

That's a lovely puzzle and I like how you enlarged 2 areas. We just finished a difficult one that had pieces that fit in several spots. You were never sure if it really belonged where you put it.

Hill Top Post said...

I always enjoy your wintery walks. It’s possible that Millie and I may be taking a wintery walk next week. I love the puzzle!

Ann said...

Wintery walks aren't always unpleasant. The scenery is usually quite peaceful. Love that puzzle.
Sounds like the librarian will be enjoying her retirement.

eileeninmd said...

Pretty winter scenes! I love that puzzle photo.
Take care, Happy Friday! Have a great weekend.

Faith said...

What a pretty puzzle!! Looks like a small New England village near me!
YAY for winter walks. We FINALLY got some snow so I walked in it yesterday although it was only 1 inch. hahah But it felt nice to put on the old winter walking boots vs my sneakers or hiking boots. No hiking in these parts until we are a bit past Mud Season now.

Prims By The Water said...

Woke up to snow on the ground this morning and it is still snowing a bit. Glad you finished your puzzle. Looks like a nice one. Janice

ellen b. said...

Lovely puzzle! I like that grandson's comment about having plans for his retired grandmother! So cute! Glad you could get out to walk.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

So no new walkers out yet? Maybe when it gets warmer? What a charming picture on that puzzle. We used to have a puzzle going but lately we’ve been preoccupied with other things plus I need to get one of those roll up felt things for the puzzle because I have a cat that likes to lay on puzzles, keyboards, books that I am reading, my Bible study…

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It sure is hard to get out when it's so cold. But like you said, you can always turn back if you want to. We are having out best hiking weather now...wish you could walk with me. You would have to go slower though! lol Love the puzzles you work. Happy new year sweet lady, Diane

Rose said...

I love that puzzle. I am beginning to.wonder if something has happened to the people you used to see. Here there is a group that walks their dogs every morn...there was at least two, if not three weeks i did not see them. I though maybe someone had complained cause some of them walk in the street. But i started seeing them again this week...just a bright spot on my way to mcds every morn.

susan q said...

in SE central PA not much snow but I have snow pants that I wear if need be! The wind is the most unpleasant thing about winter. My desk seems to grow newspaper clippings and yarn projects. Thanks for the snowy pics, Karen.

Jeanette said...

That puzzle looks fun! Do you take pictures of all the puzzles you do? I usually take one with the poster that came with it. I don't know why but it seems like a way to save a puzzle after you take it apart and put it away!