Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, January 27, 2025

Milk Bottle Monday

I just had to get outside to walk this morning so drove to town
to see what walking would be like.
I left a little later than usual so it wasn't dark.
No wind and the sun came out.
Walking was very limited but I did get 10,467 steps walked.
I had grippers on my shoes.
Walked up and down the road to the cemetery a few times but
couldn't get in the cemetery because the snow was too deep.

 Walked up to the cemetery on the hill and again snow too deep to walk
around it but walked between both of the barns a few times.

One of the cows stopped eating so I could take her picture.

Time of the year when the cows have their babies and
you can see one of the cows and her calf though the fence.

A sad looking family of snowmen but cute.🙂
Pretty sure Farmer Marvin's grandkids made them.⛄️

Though I couldn't walk far it I still enjoyed being outside and walking.
Tomorrow wind and more snow is predicted so thought I'd better get out there today.

🙂    ⛄️    ❤️ 

Did a third load of laundry with the new machine and this time
used the auto sensing rinse cycle.
This time it took 45 minutes and did a good job of rinsing so that is
the way for me to go.
I am very pleased with my new washing machine.

Milk Bottle 16
This is another 1/2 pint one that was for schools.
This one doesn't have a name of a dairy or where it's from on it.

Did the usual house stuff and then this afternoon
read and knitted.

It's been a nice sunny day all day and the temperature made
it all the way up to 31 degrees.

Hope you had a great Monday.
Thanks for visiting.



Bill said...

The words on the puzzle made me laugh. When I was a kid, my mother would take us to Woolworths so we could have a banana split. They had balloons hanging from the ceiling and you got to pop one. Inside was the price you would pay for the banana split. I got one for a penny and was very happy. :) My mother paid for all our ice creams but the memory is still fresh in my mind.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Sounds like three was the charm that worked with your new washing machine.

Dianna said...

Love the puzzle and I am glad you got to walk outside today.

Mari said...

Glad you at least got out for a little bit. I like the snowmen!
The puzzle is a funny one.
I always enjoy your milk bottles.

diane in northern wis said...

Oh my gosh, you walk so many steps....I don't think I could ever walk that many. Good for you! Glad you have grippers on your shoes.

Tom said...

...our snow is too cold and dry to make snowmen.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the snowman family! The roads do look dangerous for walking, but your grippers must have made it safe.

eileeninmd said...

Hubby and I with the dog are getting out for walks, it is still cold especially when the wind is gusting. The snowmen are cute and I love the cows and sweet calf. Take care, enjoy your day!

Ann said...

It must have been nice to finally get back outside to walk. I was so bored yesterday that I went out for a walk. It wasn't too bad except the wind on my face was pretty cold.

ellen b. said...

Glad you found some safe walking outdoors. Interesting winter we are having. We still are super cold but no snow. I like these milk bottles and that snowman family, too. Happy Tuesday!

Happy@Home said...

Glad you were able to get outside for your walk. Looks like you still have a lot of snow.
The baby calf is so sweet. Didn't realize that this is the time that they are being born. For some reason I would have thought spring was when that happened.
You have a great milk bottle collection and I enjoy seeing them.

Deb in Utah said...

Hi Karen. That little snowman family is cute. You are very dedicated and determined when it comes to your daily outdoor walks. I hope you have a good Tuesday. See you again soon!

The Furry Gnome said...

Calving season is such an interesting and important time for farmers.

Deb in Utah said...

Hi Karen. You are very dedicated and determined when it comes to your daily walks.

Lowcarb team member said...

So nice that you were able to walk outside.
I like that puzzle.

All the best Jan

Prims By The Water said...

More fine examples of milk bottles. Cute joke. Janice

Jeanette said...

I'm glad you figured out your washing machine! That looks like a fun puzzle.