Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Monday, January 20, 2025

Milk Bottle Monday

 4 degrees this morning along with lots more snow.
Another inside walk.

Ken went out to clear the driveway once again with the tractor
and the tractor quit running after a short while.
It was just too cold and the diesel fuel turned to jelly even though he put
some stuff in the to prevent that.
This was a far as it got down the driveway.

Took this picture at the end of the driveway.

Ken tried to tow the tractor out of the way with the truck and then that got stuck.
Under the snow is a coating of ice.
He finally got the truck unstuck and back in the garage.

Then along comes our neighbor Aaron with his skid steer and helps
Ken push the tractor back up the driveway.

Not only that, since we couldn't use the tractor to clear the driveway
he did that too.

What a blessing to have such good neighbors!!!!!

🚜    🚜    🚜

Sandi asked what I did before I retired.

I was a stay at home mom so didn't go out to work so never did retire.

When we were first married Ken was in the Navy and we went
to Scotland and then Puerto Rico so there wasn't much opportunity to
work anyway.

When David and Debbi were in grade school,
I was the mom who helped out the teachers.
Also volunteered once a week at the school library.

Did a bit of baby sitting too.

Ken and I made wooden items and sold them in a little shop.
Judy owned the shop and there were 6 others of us who had little
sections in the shop to sell our items.
We didn't have to pay any rent but had to work there a day each week.
We also went to auctions and bought antiques and collectables to sell there too.
Did that for about 4 years.

The kids were grown and left the house and then I started delivering 
Meals on Wheels and did that for 15 years.
Route 2 was mine and I was the leader for that route.
I delivered every Wednesday and every other Friday and when others
from my route couldn't make it. 
I loved doing that and met so many wonderful people.

Then when Ken retired we moved up here and have been here
ever since and love it even with the snowy winters.

⛄️    ⛄️

This is Milk Bottle number 15.
Just a small 1/2 pint which is just a cup (8 oz)
and were used by school kids before the little cartons.
This one comes from my neck of the woods in New Jersey
where I grew up.

Today we made chicken burritos for supper.

That's it for this day.
Hope you had a great Monday and thanks for stopping by.

Comment Replies:
Ginny - The cow that you liked on the top of the hutch the other day was made my Ken.
Victor - Not sure how many puzzles we do in a year but start doing them when the first snow comes along and continue doing them all winter.  I would guess we do about 10 of the during the winter.


Tom said...

...I owned a Case sideloader like that when I was in business.

Michelle said...

Good neighbors like this are such a blessing. We have a great neighbor who helps us like this during times of weather.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Boy what a lot of work with the tractor getting stuck in the snow. Good neighbors are irreplaceable.

A Joyful Chaos said...

What a blessing to have good neighbors! The snow is pretty, but I'm looking forward to spring. :)

Granny Marigold said...

That's the cutest little milk bottle!!! Sure nice of your neighbour to be so helpful. How many inches of snow did you get in the past few days?

Mari said...

That's quite a shot from the bottom of the driveway! I'm so glad you have good neighbors. I hope it warms up soon so things can start working again.
It was 5 degrees here this morning, it snowed all day and the police asked people to stay off the roads. They are already closing things for tomorrow.
I enjoyed reading about everything you did. I can see you were a blessing to many! (and still are).
That's such a cute little milk bottle!

Linda said...

I’m glad you have a good neighbor like that! It’s been really cold here too. I didn’t think we’d see any melting of the ice today, but the sun came out bright and melted most of the ice on my driveway.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen! It was fun to read about all the interesting things you have done in your life. Glad you have good neighbors. I know that you and Ken are good neighbors too! I hope you have a good week. See you again soon!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The little mill bottles are adorable, and must be kind of a rare find. I enjoyed reading all about your life and what you did! Everything you did was good! Ken is very talented!

Prims By The Water said...

What a wonderful neighbor. Living in a smaller town one does get to know your neighbors. We know all of ours and we each help one another out when we can too. I have always thought Scotland would be a nice place to visit, and to find out you lived there once. Maybe you could tell us your experiences living over there. Janice

Ann said...

How wonderful to have such a helpful neighbor.
You may not have had a job but you sure have kept yourself busy over the years. .
That little milk bottle is so cute.

eileeninmd said...

Good neighbors are a blessing, we are lucky to one help us plow our driveway. You have a nice collection of milk bottles.
Take care, have a wonderful day!

Kerri Farley said...

Great neighbors are definitely blessings! Glad they were able to get the tractor "unstuck" and take care of your driveway.

Bill said...

A good neighbor is priceless.

ellen b. said...

I enjoyed reading some of your history, Karen. What worthwhile activities you enjoyed. Yikes you really are snowed under. What a wonderful neighbor who was willing to help you and to clear your driveway. LOVE that!

The Furry Gnome said...

You've got just as much snow as we have!

Sandi said...

"Sandi asked what I did before I retired.

I was a stay at home mom so didn't go out to work so never did retire."


That's a good life.

Lowcarb team member said...

Good neighbours are such a blessing.

All the best Jan

Rose said...

You may not have worked at a paying job to retire from, but you sure were busy. I bet the teachers loved you!

Nice to have neighbors like you have! What a blessing. Another cute milk bottle!

William Kendall said...

We keep getting snow off and on.