Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, December 28, 2024


A pretty warm day for the end of December.
It was 43 degrees this morning when I got to town and started walking.
Dark at first and then cloudy with a little peek of the sun again as I finished up walking.
Morning Walk Steps 10,790

Walked through town and around the industrial park.
Back again and went around the ball park and the cemetery on the hill.

Very quiet around town and again didn't see anyone else out.
There sure were a lot of crows around.
They were all over the place wherever I went making a lot of noise.
I was waiting for them to come down and peck my eyes out like in the "Birds".

It was 46 when I got back to the car.
Couldn't even wear my outer sweatshirt - too warm.

🌥    🎉    🙂

Went to the library for a morning of stitching.
Our group has a new name now - Needleworks, which I like better.
There were 6 of us there today.
We were packing up to leave when a woman stopped by to see what we were doing.
She is a knitter too and we invited her to join us next week.
She liked the pattern of the blanket I was making so I give her the pattern and she made a copy of it.
We are slowly getting more people to join us.

Some good and sad news from Connie, one of the librarians.
Next Friday is her last day - she is retiring.
Good news for her, sad news for us.
She will surely be missed - always smiling with a happy word for everyone and would always to that extra yard for you.

Picked up the next book for the book club from the library.
Fellowship Point by Alice Elliott Dark.

After lunch it was sunny and the temperature was in the mid 50's, so I took the opportunity of this nice weather to wash my very dirty Jeep!!!
Who knows when I'd get another chance.
I did a quick job of it and didn't even dry it, put it sure looks a lot better!!!

So that's all I have for today.
Hope your Saturday was a good one and thanks for viviting.


Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Cold and damp here at 57. It is our typical winter.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. Yes, I am sure you will miss Connie the librarian. Does she live in the town so you will still see her from time to time? I hope you have a good Sunday. Let us all know how you like the new book club book.

Tom said...

...our lawn was covered with snow this morning and now the lawn is green. It's nice to gather with people who share common interests!

Granny Marigold said...

Just look at the sky in the first picture; it's so pretty. No doubt 5 minutes later it was back to normal. I'm always surprised by how fast the colours change. It's one of the benefits of being outside early in the morning.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The sky is beautiful! Maybe you can keep in touch with the librarian?

Ann said...

It made it to the low 50s here. That sky is gorgeous in the first picture.

Rose said...

It sounds like you had such a nice day. I wonder when you will start seeing other people out walking.

eileeninmd said...

Your sky images are beautiful.
We had a warmer but rainy Saturday!
It is nice your knitting group is growing.
Take care and enjoy these last days of 2024.
I wish you all the best in 2025, Happy New Year!

Kerri Farley said...

You have such scenic areas for pictures! They are gorgeous!

Prims By The Water said...

How nice to have others join your group. It was in the mid 50's here too yesterday. Now it is raining and I believe all of our snow is gone now. Janice

R's Rue said...

Love the clouds.

Happy@Home said...

Such pretty skies on your walk. It is unseasonably warm here too. I was very surprised to hear we had a tornado warning issued this morning. Seems like an odd time of year for that.
Your Needleworks group sounds like a welcoming bunch. Seems like you will have no trouble finding new members to join you.
What a shame that your librarian is retiring. Hopefully her replacement will be just as good.

Bill said...

Love your photos especially the silage. Hope the new librarian works out fine.

Michelle said...

Your photos are beautiful. WE have also been having warm days. But, the first week of January is predicted to be cold and snowy. Who knows!

Lowcarb team member said...

Such beautiful skies, ours have been quite grey in recent days.
I do hope your new librarian will settle in well.

All the best Jan

ellen b. said...

Beautiful skies. We still have rain and temps in the 40's. No white Christmas this year. That is a good name for your group.