Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, December 21, 2024


21 degrees and snowing when I started walking around town this morning.
Also a little windy at times.
I bought a new outer sweatshirt layer to wear which is lined and has a warm lined hood as well and it kept me toasty warm.
The color is bright day glo green and people can see me coming for miles!

It was snowy and no ice so it wasn't slippery but I did have my grippers on my shoes. 
I could wear them this time because everything was snow covered with no bare places.

This time I stayed away from the main road because of the snow plows throwing off grit.

Walked down the road to the ball park and walked around there.
Yes, they are my footprints in the snow.

Then it was over to the lower cemetery and around there a couple of times.

Lastly I walked around the cemetery on the hill a couple of times too.
I thought the hay looked like giant shredded wheat.

So nice walking in the lightly falling snow.
It snowed and stopped and snowed again a few more times.
Once again I was the only one walking around.

Driving home

🌨      🎄    🙂    ☁️

It was supposed to just be cloudy all day but it snowed on and off all day.

My morning was spent in the library with my stitching friends.
5 of us there today.
Debbie knitted a pair of fingerless gloves which I really liked and she shared the pattern with me.
It is knitted in the round which is something I've not yet mastered but will give it another try.
I'll try learning on my own on YouTube and I can always ask Debbie for a lesson.

After lunch Ken and I went back to town to the DG Market to pick up a couple of things and ended up with a lot more than a couple items!!
While there we ran into friend from my book club and stopped to talk and one of our neighbors was at the check out and stopped to talked to him too.
That is one of the many things I like about living in a small town.❤️

That's all for today.
Thanks for stopping by.
Hope your day was merry and bright.


Ginny Hartzler said...

You walked in a Winter Wonderland! I'm so glad you have those grippers on your shoes. Your post does look so Christmassy! I wish we had a DG Market nearby. We have many Dollar Generals, but their nearest Market is about a half hour away.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I have those grippers thingys too. This time of year we keep them in the car in case we drive up to the snow. It’s raining which means it is snowing about 40 miles from here.
I love walking in the snow and especially when it’s fresh and my footprints are the first.

Granny Marigold said...

Your world looks lovely and wintery.

Anonymous said...

I’m jealous!

John's Island said...

HappyK, I really like this post. Wow, your pictures sure do justice to the first day of Winter! Haven’t seen those bails of hay since leaving Montana, years ago. They definitely do look like giant shredded wheat. Merry Christmas to you and Ken! John

Deb J. in Utah said...

You had a very snowy walk today! Yes, it is easy to get to know people in small towns. We are moving to a smaller town when I retire so I hope we get to know people there too. It's always nice to see what you are up to. Glad you had a nice Saturday.

Rose said...

The views look lonely and cold...,but I bet it felt good to be walking.

doodles n daydreams said...

The snow pics are very nice and I loved your colourful socks from yesterday's post.

Ann said...

The snow looks pretty in all your pictures. We got a little here yesterday as well.
It is nice in a small town where you always see someone you know and can stop and chat.

eileeninmd said...

Pretty winter scenes and photos.
It is so cold and windy to be walking outside.
Happy Sunday, have a great day!

Prims By The Water said...

Such pretty snow scenes. When I went out to walk Tundra these past few days the snow has been crunchy under my feet. We dont have as much as you though. Janice

Jeanette said...

That was a wintery walk! Glad your new sweatshirt layer is so warm and bright!

Bill said...

Snow makes everything look nice.

ellen b. said...

We are having rain instead of snow so it doesn't look like we'll have a white Christmas this year. Glad you had snow to walk on instead of ice!

Hill Top Post said...

It's so magical to go walking when snow is falling! I love it! Merry Christmas!

Kerri Farley said...

I love the snowman ornament. Looks like you will be having a White Christmas!