Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, December 06, 2024


The weather hasn't improved any so it was another day for walking inside.

Got chili going in the crock pot this morning so that took care of supper.

Finished up the house chores for this week.

Tomorrow is the cookie sale for the Drane house. 
Normally on my morning walk tomorrow I would have taken the cookies directly to the town hall which is where they are sold.
Not sure how the weather will be so brought them to Pam at her house today.
While we were out decided to drive over to McDonals and have a burger and fries.
We go through the drive thru and park in the parking lot to eat. 
McDonalds is seven miles out of town.

This afternoon I read and worked on the counted cross stitch ornament.
Thought about writing out some Christmas cards but never got around to it.
Tomorrow though it will still be cold the sun is supposed to be shining.
Don't think any of the ice will be melted though so it will probably be another inside walking day.

Ginny, you suggested I take a picture of the progress on the puzzle so here it is. 🙂
It is a bit challenging but we enjoy doing it.

That's it for today.
Hope your day was a happy one
Thanks for popping in for a visit.


Deb J. in Utah said...

Sometimes a burger and fries from McDonalds just hits the spot! Wow, that is a pretty challenging puzzle, but you and Ken will finish it in no time, I bet. You got quite a bit of snow. We have snow in the mountains, but none on the ground here in the Valley, but that could change this weekend. See you again soon. Have a good weekend!

Tom said...

...you are making wonderful progress.

Billie Jo said...

I agree with Deb. Sometimes a trip to McDonalds is a must! I get the fish filet every time! Your day looks and sounds cozy. Have a lovely weekend, my friend.

Bill said...

Good luck with your puzzle.

Inger said...

You had a nice day and I too would love to get a puzzle update every now and then. It's so huge, I would never be able to do one like that. It will be fun to see it finished. And I will start on mine soon. My neighbor gives me hers when they are done with them.

Lowcarb team member said...

Enjoy your puzzle, look forward to seeing the finished result!

All the best Jan

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I like McDonald's happy meals - minus the toy! My mom and I used to get them and had one just before she died. So every time I get one, I think of our last meal together.

Rose said...

I don't envy you the weather.. Puzzles are so much fun...I think you have made great progress, too.

Mari said...

You've sure had your share of bad weather already. We had several days of it, but I hear it may melt on Sunday.
The puzzle is looking good.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Thank you! It is so gorgeous, but does look really hard. We like to eat McDonalds in our car, too!!

Ann said...

You have quite a bit of snow there too. Our McDonalds is only 1/2 a mile away but I rarely go. Every now and then I get a craving for something from there though.

eileeninmd said...

We usually do a McDonald's breakfast when we are traveling.
You are making good progress on the puzzle.
Take care, have a great weekend.

Faith said...

Oh yuck...hahah i haven't eaten in McDonalds since like 1990. I cannot STAND the company, the food is horrible and now they have that e coli scare?! you're brave!! ( i do eat some fast food though: I like the spicy chicken sandwich at chik fil a although we only go if we're traveling on the Mass Pike and don't wanna stop at Panera....oh yes..and I do eat at Panera...usually a soup and salad combo). But glad you enjoyed your burger!

That puzzle has such pretty colors!!