Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, December 14, 2024

Another House For Sale

The moon this morning when I left the house was huge!!
It was 23 degrees, clear, and just a little breeze when I started walking.

First walked down the main road through town and up behind the house where we used to live and then around one of the cemeteries..

A few boxes of wreathes were at the cemetery waiting to be put on the graves of all the veterans which they do every year.

After walking around there twice I headed back down the road toward home a ways before turning around and heading back to town.
Lastly I walked around the ball park loop.

Another house for sale.
This one is just before getting to town.
I've always liked this house.
I looked it up on Zillow and they are asking $239,000.
Link HERE.

I saw two police cars zoom through town, then came the ambulance.
Wonder what happened.
Never saw them come back.

Morning Walk Steps 10,962

☀️    πŸŽ„    πŸ˜€

Went to the library and met the stitching ladies and there were five of us there.
Three were knitting, one making felt ornaments and I was sewing squares together for the baby blanket.
Got a few more rows sewn together and will more than likely finish that this evening.
Picked up a book that came in for me that was on hold.

After lunch we went to the Shop and Save to pick up a few things.
Looks like on some items prices are coming down so we picked up some of these items, like cheese and sauce.

Supper tonight was ham and cheese quesadillas with Chick-Fil-A sauce.

Hope your Saturday was a good one.
Thanks for stopping by.


Mari said...

It's nice to see the wreaths placed on the veterans graves.
That's a cute little house except the tie dye counter isn't my taste! :) The aerial view of the area was neat to see!

Bill said...

It's very nice to see that the veterans graves are being remembered with the placing of the wreaths.

Rose said...

I loved that house....except the one room...I am wondering if it wasn't a work in progress. The one with the stool in the corner.

Sandi said...

239,000 seems like a lot...

Ginny Hartzler said...

Now I will have to make these quesadillas tomorrow! This is a nice little house!

Connie said...

What a wonderful tradition to put wreaths on the Veteran's Graves. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ❤️πŸŽ„❤️πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

My husband was placing the wreaths today at our Northern California veterans cemetery where my parents and his dad are at.

Granny Marigold said...

I like that latest house that is for sale. I always think brick houses look so neat. Built in 1948. Wow.
I'd be curious to know what a good price for cheddar cheese is in your stores. Here I try to wait for a sale and pay about $5 a lb.

Ann said...

That's a nice looking house but that price is crazy. I'm thinking here it would be maybe half that. I don't know how young couples can afford to buy a house any more.

eileeninmd said...

It is nice the wreaths are put on the veterans graves.
The house is cute and it seems to be a good price.
Take care, Happy Sunday ! Have a wonderful week!


What a beautiful morning walk! The moon and the wreaths for veterans must have been a peaceful sight. You’re invited to read my blog posts whenever you’d like!

Prims By The Water said...

So nice they lay wreaths on the graves. Janice

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. It's so nice that wreaths are placed on the graves veterans. That is an interesting old house that is for sale - but it's a little odd that there is a random toilet in one of the bedrooms. Might come in handy though. ;-) . Have a good Sunday. See you again soon!

Lowcarb team member said...

It is nice to see the wreaths placed on the veterans graves.

All the best Jan

ellen b. said...

That moon was really lighting up the night sky! Saturday was a good day here since I was able to finish up our Christmas cards!! We put them in the mailbox at the post office after church today.