Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Thursday, October 24, 2024

Work Day

This morning it was 42 degrees at 6:25 in town when I started walking.
A slight breeze and mostly cloudy at first then once the sun came over the mountain some blue sky came with it.
This was at 8:06.  

Walked through town to the DG Market where I turned around the walked back.
Then continued down the road toward home, then back to town with a side trip up Sale Barn Rd.

 Lastly walked around both of the cemeteries.

At the cemetery on the hill they cut down all those shrubs that were starting to encroach on the graves.
The bottom picture of the collage is the workers in their truck waiting to get started removing all those stumps.
Wonder if they'll get them all dug out today.

I didn't have another encounter with the skunk this morning but someone or something did because I smelled it.
Then later while walking saw that he didn't make it across the street.
Someones car must smell pretty bad.

Rebecca was out walking.

Morning Walk Steps 13,160

☁️    🌤    🎃 

Today was a Fingerprint Ministry work day at church so that's where we were today.
A good group of more than 20 of us were there.
We had a break and ate fried chicken and coleslaw from a local store, then back to work.
Just got home a little while ago.
Now it is time to relax and have some ice cream.

Happy Thursday and as always thanks for coming by.


Deb J. in Utah said...

Sounds like another great day for you. Any day you can do something to serve God and others is a good one.

Dianna said...

It's so good to see when people take care of cemeteries.
I enjoyed your pictures,as always.
So happy to hear of the good turnout for Fingerprints ministry today!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Poor little skunk! We see quite a few flattened on the road, it smells for blocks. I love your photo of the beautiful red trees with the cows in the distance. Now I want fried chicken!

Rose said...

That second photo is wonderful. That is a lot of stumps to remove..be sure and show us the progress when you think about it.

Mari said...

You had a full day! Those are some pretty big stumps to dig out.