Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, October 12, 2024

Accident in Accident

Perfect walking weather this morning - 50 degrees with sun and some clouds.
Of course it was dark when I first started walking at 6:30.

First walked down the main road in town and saw red and blue lights flashing.
Then a tow truck passed by with a car on it, next the fire trucks left and by the time I got there one EMT was left and he was packing up to leave.
He told me a woman on her way to work didn't make the curve and ran into the telephone pole.
She had fallen asleep - luckily she wasn't hurt.
Second picture shows the cracked pole. 
Third picture shows the road she was driving down.
She ran into the pole you see in the middle of the picture.

After that I walked back up the road and then up and down all the streets in town, both cemeteries and the ball park.

Down by the Drane house I saw that the windows aren't getting replaced but the wood around them is and keeping it looking old.

John was out walking Prim.
Rebecca walking Leo.
Ruth Ann walking her two dogs.
Stopped to talk to all of them.

There was a yard sale setting up in town and they were also selling apple cider.

Passing by the fire house a few women were setting up for a craft fair.
It wasn't stating till 9:00 but I popped in for a quick look around.
The women there said they see me walking every day in my bright colors.

Morning Walking Steps 12,297

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Stitching morning at the library.
Only 3 of us there today, me, Debbie and Jalene.
Found out that one of the women I was talking to at the fire house earlier was Debbie's sister!
Picked up a DVD at the library and a couple of books too.

On the way to the library the pole that the woman ran into this morning was being replaced.

There was a sign in front of the antique/collectable shop in town that said Polish Pottery so after stitching I walked over there to check it out.
Turns out they DON"T sell it but just put the sign up for the woman who sells it down in Oakland which is 22 miles away.

Just puttered about the house this afternoon.

Happy Saturday and thanks for stopping by.


Lowcarb team member said...

Pleased the lady wasn't hurt in the accident.
Another nice autumn/pumpkin display at the end of your post.

All the best Jan

Mari said...

I'm glad the lady wasn't hurt, she hit that pole hard!
Looks like a fun sale. Those blankets look so cozy!

Rose said...

I am glad the lady nor anyone else was hurt in the wreck.

Granny Marigold said...

I'm amazed that the woman hit the pole hard enough to split it but wasn't seriously hurt. Good , though, that she was okay.
I like to look at craft sales but don't buy anything.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the knit pumpkins and wreaths! I would likely buy one of the wreaths. Wow, she really splintered that pole! You are right that she is very lucky! Goodness, they sure replaced it quickly!