Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, September 18, 2024


This morning it was 61 degrees and cloudy and just a little drizzly near the end of my walk.

Walked through town and over to the DG Market where I turned around and went back through town and up and down the side streets.
That left the ball park loop, and both cemeteries to walk around too.

Workers were at the pole barn putting up the siding.
A metal roof is already on it.
Didn't take a picture because the men were working.

Didn't see anyone else out walking.

Walked down to the barn.

No bulls there now. 
They are out in the pasture or in the big long barn.

Walking around the cemetery on the top of the hill you can see the rain moving in.

Morning Walk Steps

☁️    ☁️    🌧

Not a very good day for laundry but didn't want to get behind so had to hang it inside on the drying rack. It will take a while to dry because we don't have the heat on yet so can't put the rack over a heat vent.
My washing machine is still limping along.  Today during the spin cycle it sounded like an airplane getting ready for take off!!

I had planned to read a couple more chapters of An Echo of Murder by Anne Perry this afternoon, but sat down and finished the whole book.  

Made Macaroni Salad out of the left over pasta from yesterday and we had that with fried shrimp for supper.

I've posted a picture of the progress on the counted cross stitch I'm working on my Made By HappyK blog.  If you care to take a look it is HERE.

Happy Wednesday and thanks for stopping by.


Rose said...

I had almost forgot how much I like that barn...it sure is a nice one. It was sunny and bright here today. I think rain is supposed to move in on Sunday. We need it.

Mari said...

The pic of the cow by the cemetery is so good!
I really like the misty path shot too.
That must have been a good book!

Tom said...

...in the first image, the arborvitae hedge looks great. The deer haven't chewed on it.

Dianna said...

We had drizzle here this morning and I believe the temperature stayed around 73 degrees. Thank you for sharing the links for both the macaroni salad and the counted cross stitch. Left you comments there.

Ginny Hartzler said...

One lone bull at the end of a path. We have not turned our heat on yet either. Your cross stitch is very uplifting!!

Ann said...

It's been a while since we've had any rain here. We could use some. Growing up we had clotheslines in our basement for drying clothes when the weather wasn't good.

eileeninmd said...

Love the barn and the cow. Your dinner sounds yummy!
We finally got some much needed rain here.
Take care, have a wonderful day!

Kerri Farley said...

Glad you are getting a bit of rain. We got some more last night, thankfully! I don't think we got as much as was predicted from this latest weather system.