Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, August 09, 2024

Tree down

 69 degrees and raining when I left for town this morning.
Only got a block away from the house and was stopped by 
a fallen tree across the road.
Backed up, turned around and went back home.
When Ken got up a little later he went out and got the tree out of the road.
Then I left again and got to town at 7:45.

There were a couple of periods when the rain stopped
but mostly it rained.
Too windy for an umbrella and too warm for a raincoat so just got wet.

Walked up and down the main street in town.

Then up and down the side streets and around the ball park loop
a couple of times.

Lastly walked around the cemetery on top of the hill.

Corn is growing nicely and the ears have started to grow.
Not for people it's for the animals.

Didn't see anyone else out walking.
Quiet and wet around town.

Morning Walk Steps

🌧    🌧

It rained on and off all day which I'm sure made the farmers happy.

I puttered about the house and also
got some work done on the cross stitch.

Happy Friday
Thanks for stopping by

Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil 
and you're a thousand miles from the corn field.
Dwight D. Eisenhower


Linda said...

I love rainy-day photos. All the colors are so much more vibrant.

Bill said...

Nice photos of your walk. It was nice of Ken to get the tree out of the road. Enjoy you weekend.

Dianna said...

I always enjoy seeing pictures of your town. We were supposed to have rain off and on all day today too but it stopped raining before noon. But we are certainly thankful for the 2.2 inches of rain we got last night and this morning.

Deb J. in Utah said...

A rainy day can be a very good thing! So glad that Ken was able to get the tree out of the road. See you again soon!

Tom said...

...August rains are a necessary of life. Eisenhower's quote is spot on.

Rose said...

Dont you love it when it rains how the sound are different...almost quieter.

Mari said...

Glad Ken could take care of that tree!
I enjoyed the pics of your town. Also love the quote from Pres Eisenhower.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love these big old colorful buildings! Here, we have been dealing with Debbie.

Debby said...

Nice of Ken to move the tree. That’s what my husband would do, too. Good neighbors to have.

Granny Marigold said...

I'm always impressed by the lack of any litter in your town streets and even the roads. Just today we picked up 2 empty pop cans, some bits of what looked like a napkin, stuff that kids especially drop. There are both garbage cans and recycle bins at more or less regular intervals yet still there's untidiness which I detest.

Hill Top Post said...

I know a farmer and a farmHer, both of whom would be mighty happy to have a rainy day. I might even go walking without an umbrella. Your pictures are wonderful.

Ann said...

I just love the looks of your town. I had to drive to a friends house yesterday and they had lots of trees down in their area. Non across the road though when I went through. Their next door neighbor had one laying on the roof to their front porch.

ellen b. said...

Hats off to Ken for clearing the road of that tree! That's a good quote at the end! We had quite a wind storm plow through yesterday late afternoon. We had to change things around at VBS, bringing everything inside.

eileeninmd said...

It is wonderful that Ken could go out and move that tree.
Love the photos of the corn field.
Have a happy weekend.

susan q said...

7 inches of rain from Debby in York County and an EF1 tornado near Harrisburg! Mother nature is amazing.