Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, July 30, 2024

New Tires


68 degrees this morning with a good breeze and mostly cloudy.
On the way to town I saw the deer and her twin fawns again.
The three of them stood in the middle of the road looking at me,
and finally walked off so I could drive by.

Walked around both of the cemeteries first. 

Then down to the ball park and around there.

The clouds moved in and looking at these figured that the rain was coming.

The rest of my walk was all over town up and down the side streets.

The rain did come during my walk but not hard and it didn't
last longer than 10 minutes.
Enough to get me wet but dried again.

Saw Rebecca twice, once walking Leo and then by herself.

Morning Walk Steps

🌥    🌧    ☁️

The Jeep needed new tires so we went to Glotfelty Tire Center 
in Oakland and got them today.
Thought we would be waiting an hour or so for them to be put on 
so I took along some knitting to do while waiting.
Well weren't we surprised when it only took 20 minutes!!

Since we were in the area we did our shopping again this week at Walmart.

We got a couple of rain showers throughout the day but it
didn't amount to much.
We still need more rain.

That's all I've got for today.
Happy Tuesday
Thanks for stopping by
Comment Replies:
Ginny - Fried Bread is just another name for French Toast.


Tom said...

...a bit of rain here too! Take care and enjoy your evening.

Mari said...

Happy Tuesday! I love your photo of the corn. It's growing well here too. That was really good for getting new tires. I got some last year and had a long wait.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Beautiful yellow sky!!!

Linda said...

We need rain too. I love the image of the corn stalks.

Dianna said...

Glad you had a short wait time at the tire shop. We stop in at that Walmart now and then. It's nice... especially if it isn't on a Sunday when we are there. It's super busy after church.

Granny Marigold said...

We still need more rain too but it doesn't look like we'll get any more at this time.
Those deer are getting so used to you. I hope all drivers are as careful as you are.

Rose said...

I so love that first photo...it is so beautiful. We had sunshine this day...not rain nor clouds.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I’m looking forward to our rainy season that starts in November. A refreshing reward after a long, hot, dry summer!
My husband just informed me we need tires on our van. Another 500 miles so I can save up for them.

eileeninmd said...

Love the first photo! We had a thunderstorm last night. We needed the rain here. Take care, enjoy your day!

Ann said...

It rained off and on all day here yesterday. That was quick to get the tires put on.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

You take nice sky photos.

God bless.

ellen b. said...

Glad the rain was light enough to keep you from getting soaked. I'm heading to Wal=mart today after prayer meeting this morning. 20 minutes! That's great.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

New tyres, that was expensive. Fried bread in the UK is just that fried in the left over bacon fat. French toast to us is Eggy Bread

Bill said...

We had a sunny day yesterday, miracles do happen. :)

Lowcarb team member said...

That sky in your first photograph is lovely.

All the best Jan