Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Another Geese Picture

Drove out of the garage and there was mama and baby deer
walking down the driveway.  
They moved to one side and I drove past them.
Saw three other deer and 2 rabbits by the time I got to town.

It was 74 degrees with a mix of sun and clouds and happy to
say there was a breeze.
Got to town at 6:25

Started my walk by going back down the road towards home a ways
and then back to town.
This is another abandoned house along the main road just outside of town.

There was a police officer doing radar but no one got stopped.

Back in town I walked around both cemeteries.
Shiela was running around them and we had time to say just
a few words as we passed each other a few times.

Couldn't resist another picture of the geese family.
They sure have grown.

Continued by walk through town and up and down some side streets
as I made my way to the ball park.
Walked around the loop there a couple of times and headed
back to the Jeep.

 I like these planters that fit over porch railings.
Would like to get some for my porch for next year.

 Morning Walk Steps

🌤    🌤

Did some house work in the morning.

It was in the mid 80's here today which is on the warm side for here,
BUT it was windy so kept things cool.
Had to put door stops (I use my old black irons) at the doors in the house because the wind kept slamming the doors shut.

Worked some more on the counted cross stitch.

Ken and I sat on the porch to read.
He started the Tom Brokaw book but after a bit decided not to read it.

Happy Wednesday
Thanks for stopping by

Comment Replies:
Aritha -Thank you for your kind words about my blog. 😀❤️ You asked about the cover of the Mammal Tracks and Sign book.  Here's a LINK to the book.


Granny Marigold said...

That planter that fits on the porch rail looks very practical.
Safe from deer (hopefully). Nice mix of plants that person has chosen too.

Tom said...

...that's too nice a house to be abandoned!

Dianna said...

Makes me sad to see houses that have been abandoned...especially one that is made with field stone like the one you pictured. I wonder what kind of stories it could tell.

The geese are certainly growing up!

The rail planter makes for a colorul display. So pretty!

Debby said...

I don’t have the planters that fit over the railings but I do have 3 of them on my picket fence and they’re pretty. However with our hot temperatures I need to have a watering drip system. So this year I didn’t plant. I’m glad because with the 119 temps, and redwoods turning brown any flowers would be burnt to a crisp by now.
So the abandoned house, does it have a stone foundation? Do you know how old it is and the history of it?

Mari said...

That abandoned house looks quite nice. I hope someone buys it and fixes it up. It's sad to see them just deteriorate.
I like that porch railing planter too.
It's always fun to see those baby deer.

Ginny Hartzler said...

That abandoned house is a nice house! All it needs that I can see is a new roof and awnings. I love the gorgeous yellow trees behind it!!

Ann said...

That is sad that the house is abandoned. It looks quite nice. Love those planters that fit on the railings. Sadly, if I had those they would end up full of dead flowers. I can never remember to water.
Those baby geese sure have gotten big.

eileeninmd said...

I always love seeing the baby deer.
Great shot of the goose family.
The planter on the railing looks pretty.
Take care, have a great day!

Rose said...

I looked/read this last night and got to looking at your pics and forgot to comment. Those geese sure have grown fast. I would love to see inside the abandoned house...

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Those geese look happy enough. So sad that abandoned house.

God bless.

Faith said...

I read a really good memoir written by Tom Brokaw (used to LOVE his journalism) about his parents and their hard work in the mid-west. It was really good! I wonder if this is the same book you mention that your husband started?

I would love to live in a small village to walk in it every day.
walking in suburbia has its challenges!!

Love the pic of the goose family

Keep cool!!

Prims By The Water said...

Too bad about the abandoned house. It looks like it was a nice one at one time. I saw lots of geese in the rain on my drive home yesterday from work. Guess they wanted to play in it. Not me though. Janice

Bill said...

The abandoned house doesn't look like it needs a lot of work.

ellen b. said...

I've always liked those kinds of planters. They add so much. That was a warm start that early in the morning.

Lowcarb team member said...

That abandoned house looks nice, perhaps someone will buy it, I hope so.

All the best Jan

Kerri Farley said...

It is so sad that the house is abandoned. It has beautiful stonework!