Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Thursday, June 06, 2024

A Rainy Walk


Sunrise 5:49
Was at town and walking at 6:20.
It was 63 degrees and windy.
This is one day that the rain DIDN'T hold off for me.
I didn't wear my rain gear because it was too warm.
I brought along a hoody but soon took that off because I got too
hot and figured I would rather just get wet.
It wasn't a hard rain so was actually nice walking in the rain.
The rain would stop once in a while and the wind would dry me off a bit.
Then it would rain and I'd get wet again.

Walked around one of the cemeteries and then over to the ball park.

Back to the pond, then through town and over to the industrial park.
Walked around there and back to the Jeep.

Didn't see anyone else out at all.
Only the usual people in cars, trucks, and buses!

Morning Walk Steps

🌧    🌧

By lunch time it was sunny, cool, and windy.

The other two books I had on hold at the library were ready for
pick up and also a DVD for Ken so we went and picked them up after lunch.

In the lobby there are always some books that are for sale.
I picked up this 4 in one book that cost 10 cents.
I gave Connie a quarter and told her to keep the change.
(I'm a big spender) 🙂

For supper we made nice big salads with shredded chicken on top.
Another one of my favorite suppers.
I seem to have a lot of them.

Happy Thursday and thanks for. popping in for a visit.

Patrick Henry died on June 6, 1799
(1736 -1799)
In his last speech he said these words.
"Let us trust God, and our better judgment to set us right here after. 
United we stand, divided we fall."


Tom said...

...yep, you sure are a BIG spender!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

The salads look good.

Bill said...

Can't beat those prices. Good deal!

Happy@Home said...

I just got home from the library. I bought a book there for $1.25 which I thought was a good deal. Apparently it wasn't as good of a deal as yours. :)
Your supper salads look yummy.

Rose said...

That was money well spent! I love a good bargain.

Mari said...

Your talk of walking in the rain makes me think of the old song - Singing in the rain. So, next time, do some singing and dancing in the rain. :)
Your book was a great bargain!
The salad looks good!

Lisa said...

We have been doing more waling lately now that the days are longer. I have walked in the rain many times. No by choice though.


Deb J. in Utah said...

That 4-in-1 was a great find! Our library also sells books for 10 cents. I love salads too. Hope you have a good Friday. See you then.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The salads look so good!!

Granny Marigold said...

You had a nice walk in spite of the rain.
I like those 4-in-one books. There's usually a couple that are really enjoyable even if you're not familiar with the authors. At a dime you got a good deal.

Ann said...

I admire how dedicated you are to the walking. I would have given up if it was raining.
You are a big spender and a good tipper.
That salad looks and sounds tasty.

eileeninmd said...

The 4 in 1 book is a great find. Your salads look delicious.
Take care, have a great day!

bunw1125@gmail.com said...

The Sugar Queen in your book is a really good story!

Prims By The Water said...

We love salads in the Summer. Patrick Henry's words could not ring true so much today. Ran on tap for later today here. Hope you have a great weekend! Janice

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Hey big spender ...

God bless.

Kerri Farley said...

Rainy walks are fun! You got a great bargain with that book :)

ellen b. said...

I admire your tenacity about walking. Great quote to share!

The Furry Gnome said...

Glad you enjoy walking in the rain!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

We were talking about cool dinner meals today. It's hot here and the rain showers keep missing us. Enjoy your afternoon!

Lowcarb team member said...

Sometimes it's nice to walk in the rain ...

All the best Jan