Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Tuesday, March 12, 2024

My Purse

 Must still be getting used to the time change because I 
didn't wake up till 6:30.
I was at town and started walking at 7:00.
It was 40 degrees, still windy, but once the sun rose it was sunny.
Most all of the snow is gone except for patches here and there.
On my way to town I spotted 4 deer up in the field.
Sunrise was 7:32
Morning Walk Steps

Walked up and down the side streets in town with a stop at the
library to drop yet another book down the drop.
I'd be lost if we didn't have a town library!!!

Next I walked around the ball park loop a couple of times
then on up to the cemetery.
While walking around there I spotted this crow on the
tippy top of the tree.

The crow and this other crow on top of the gravestone
were having a yelling match.

Continued on over to the other cemetery.

Two very tall pine trees were cut down the other day.
There was also a walnut tree which was cut down.
When we lived in town we lived right across the street.
Those trees gave us some nice shade while we sat on our porch.
Though the trees didn't look rotted or anything I guess the house owners
wanted to open up the area by their house.

John was out walking Prim on this sunny morning.


We had to go to Oakland so while we were there decided to do
our shopping this week at Walmart again.

Had a bit of a scare at Walmart.
We got back to the Jeep, put the bags in, and when I went
to get in the Jeep realized I had left my purse by the self check-out.
Oh what a scary feeling that is.
I RAN back in the store and the next person in line had already
turned it in and my purse was safe and sound at Customer Service.
Boy was I happy to see my purse again!!!!

Making hamburgers for supper tonight.
Having tater tots with them.
I don't even remember the last time I had tater tots.

Well that's all I have for today.
Happy Tuesday and thanks for stopping by.


Ivy Green said...

How great to live in a town with good fellow citizens!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a HUGE relief! I'm so glad your purse was still there when you went back inside. I don't carry one any more. I have my phone in my pocket and that has what I need. Enjoy your afternoon!

Tom said...

...I hate self checkouts!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Isn't it wonderful that there are still honest people who will turn in things people have left behind? Nowadays, with even mailmen being robbed in broad daylight, that is so nice. It was a close call, though!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen! So glad that someone honest found your purse and turned it in. Losing a purse, wallet or phone is scary! Yes, you do make very good use of your town library. I hope you have a good Wednesday! See you then. :-)

ellen b. said...

Oh my, that is a scary thing to happen with your purse. The time change really messes with our bodies! Happy evening to you!

Mari said...

So nice to have a good morning for walking. I love the crow on the top of the tree!
I left my purse in a shopping cart in the cart corral in the parking lot once. I was driving down the road when I realized it. Scared me to death! I turned around and went back and it was still there in the cart. Such a relief.
Glad yours was turned in!

jack69 said...

Oh yes keep on walking for sure. Love the pictures and I do love to see a bird in plain view surveying their surroundings.
I got a little walking in myself the last couple weeks, walking the neighbor's dog.
OH YES!!! That is a scare, but there are still good honest folks in this world no matter how many BAD ones end up in the news....

Lowcarb team member said...

So thankful that your purse was safe.

All the best Jan

Granny Marigold said...

There's that heart-stopping moment when you realize that you left your purse somewhere. I'm glad yours was found and turned in.
I always feel sad when perfectly healthy trees are cut down but it happens. Too often.

Billie Jo said...

Oh! The lost purse!! That is a horrible feeling. I know it well. I am so glad you found it. I hope you enjoyed the tator tots. We love them, but they have to be crispy!

Dianna said...

That would definitely be scary to realize you had left your purse behind. So glad that the person behind you in line was honest and took it to customer service!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Losing my purse, is one of my biggest fears.

Ann said...

I haven't left my purse but I have left my phone several times. It's nice to know there are still honest people in the world.

eileeninmd said...

I am so glad you purse was safe and turned in, there are nice people in the world. We just had two tall pine trees cut down in our front yard, they were way too close to the house. Take care, enjoy your day!

Melanie said...

I did the same thing at a Walmart once, only I left it in the cart outside. I understand the panic feeling. I had just left and realized I forgot it and it was still there!

My library is about 8 miles away and I don't go there very often. I'm about to begin though. I've been borrowing books via their ebook system but just about every book is on hold (one for several months!)

It must have been a noisy walk passing the crows and their yelling. I remember one day in Florida, a whole bunch of them in a tree in my front yard. It was like the movie - "The Birds".

Have a great week!

Happy@Home said...

What a relief to find that someone had turned your purse in. I had a similar thing happen not too long ago and vividly remember the panic I felt.

Jeanette said...

I'm glad someone turned in your purse. It sure is an awful feeling when you realize you left your purse or wallet somewhere! I found a purse in the child seating area of a grocery cart a few years ago. I turned it in of course.

R's Rue said...

Keep walking.

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Glad you found your purse. Nice walk through your town.

Rose said...

I seldom carry a purse, a lot because I am afraid of leaving purse behind. But even if I did, I got started carrying my billfold in my pocked when I worked at the orchard so it is never in my purse. I usually only carry it when taking Roger to medical appts...I carry his billfold and things in it. LOL

I am so absent minding, I carry my purse crossbody, and seldom take it off if I do carry it even for that reason.