Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Thursday, February 01, 2024

Sunny afternoon

 Arrived at town 6:40 and started walking.
A few snow flurries at first and then cloudy.
33 degrees and windy.
Sunrise 7:25

Again it was to the library first to put a DVD down the drop.
Walked up and down the main street and a few side streets.
Then around both cemeteries.

Lastly I walked around the ball park a couple of times
and as I was walking back to the car I heard someone walking behind me.
Turned around and it was David. (son)
We walked back to the Jeep together.
He had driven his Jeep to the parking lot and then went walking to find me.
(I'm easy to spot with my dayglo green sweatshirt)
He had to leave his Jeep at a garage a couple miles outside of town
for an oil change and asked if I would follow him so he could drop it off
and drive him home.
Of course I said yes.
A lovely way to start the day - walking and seeing David! 🙂

    ☁️    🙂    🥾

   A usual day of house chores in the morning and time for
fun in the afternoon.
The sun even came out and we saw lots of blue sky.
That made for a happy change.

Number 2 Nesting Dolls.
I've changed my mind from yesterday when I said they were my favorite.
Todays are my favorite nesting dolls.
My daughter Debbi gave these to me many years ago for Christmas.
The bottom says they are made in China.
I like that each doll is holding a cat and the tiny last one is a cat.

 There are 10 dolls.
The largest is 8 inches tall and the smallest is just 3/4 inch tall.

Close up of the last two.

That's it for today.
A happy Thursday to you and thanks for stopping by.
happyone ❤️


Tom said...

...this is a style Nesting Dolls that I've never seen. Enjoy your sunshine.

Mari said...

I like the cemetery shot with the mist.
How nice to walk a bit with David!
This is a beautiful set of Matryoshka dolls!

Dianna said...

How fun to have David out and about this morning when you were walking back to the Jeep. Makes me miss my son.

Your nesting dolls are so pretty.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. It's so good that you could help David drop his car off. I love this set of nesting dolls - and how wonderful that you have warm memories of them as a gift from your daughter. See you again tomorrow.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the dolls because I love cats. And they are so unusual! What a nice surprise on your walk!

ellen b. said...

Well, that was a fun surprise by David. Another fun Matryoshka doll. I've never seen one with a cat on it.

Ann said...

What a nice way to start the day off to have your son walking with you.
These nesting dolls are adorable. Love the cats on them.

Aritha V. said...

Oh, you make me so happy with your photos of the matryoshkas. This one is beautiful, especially the last one, haha. It must be a real surprise to suddenly see your son. Such a moment that fills you with joy. Then you're truly a happy one! 😊📷

Prims By The Water said...

What a nice surprise seeing your son on your walk. Cloudy for us since it snowed Tuesday. Janice

eileeninmd said...

What a nice way to start your day, meeting up with your son on your walk.
I was happy to see the sunshine yesterday. The nesting dolls are pretty, a lovely gift from your daughter. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend!

Visits With Mary said...

It's great when we spend unexpected time with our kids! I enjoyed the pics of the nesting doll, I used to have one and can't remember what happened to it...maybe one of my girls have it. Have a great week-end. Temp here this morning 58 with sunshine.

Granny Marigold said...

O yes, I like this set of dolls better too.
When we got back from our walk our youngest son was waiting. He came to borrow our big power washer and stayed for coffee. It sure is a treat to spend even a short visit with our children.