Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Saturday, January 06, 2024

Open House

I thought it would be snowing when I got up but it wasn't so
I put on my layers of clothes, went to town and walked.
Got to town at 6:40 and it was 30 degrees.
Just cloudy but felt like snow.
Snow started once I was back home.
Sunrise 7:38
Morning Walk Steps 13,766

Walked over to the library first and put a DVD down the drop.
Walked through town and over to the DG Market.
Was going to turn around there but ended up walking around
the industrial park.

Back through town and around the cemetery on the hill.
Walked down the frozen mud farm road

to say hi to the bulls.

No one else out walking that I saw.

🙂    ☁️    🐄

Today was the train open house and some people did show up in spite
of the snow.
Next Saturday we will have another one and hope for better weather.
Four families came by in the morning.
Ken let each child pick a vehicle to take home.
Everyone seemed to really enjoy the layout.

To see a short video of Ken's HO Scale model railroad
Click HERE
Sorry had to take the link out because of some unexpected and
vulgar advertising.

  Todays Fiestaware dishes are called Deep Dish.

Hope you enjoyed your Saturday.
Thanks for stopping by.



Aritha V. said...

Love to see the cows. They are so nice. Here they are mostly are inside in winter

Tom said...

...some people don't know how to behave!

My Shasta Home said...

Bummer on the video. I was looking forward to it.

jack69 said...

I'm with Debbie, I was looking forward to it. You do have the gumption to get out and walk, admirable that is for sure. We enjoy you taking us along.
Take care. We have a long trip tomorrow....You stay warm....

Lowcarb team member said...

At least the snowy weather allowed you to hold Open House, well done to those who showed up ... hopefully the weather will be better next week.

All the best Jan

Dianna said...

I'm glad that there were some folks who showed up for the open house today! How kind that you will do it again next week in hopes of better weather.

I like the deep dishes to your collection of FiestaWare.

Debi said...

So good of Ken to share his trains. I'll bet those kiddos were excited to have something to take home to remind them of the visit. Sorry about the video. I sure wish there was some way to report people who do that. Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Deb J. in Utah said...

So glad that some people came to see Ken's trains. We took our kids to see a train layout when they were little and we lived in Illinois. They liked it. It's a great hobby. That is so horrible about vulgar ads on the video, but so indicative of much of our society. Sad. See you again tomorrow.

Granny Marigold said...

Nice that some people did come in spite of the snow and hopefully next week will bring better weather. Too bad about the vulgar advertising.

Mari said...

Those cows are always happy to see you!
I thought of Ken's train set when we saw the train set up at the Botanical Gardens last week. It's so nice of you to open up your home so people can see it.
I'm sorry about the vulgar advertising. :(

Hill Top Post said...

I would love to visit the layout!

Prims By The Water said...

Glad some showed up for the open house. We had about an inch of snow here finally today. I liked watching it fall. Janice

Ann said...

Nice that you had people come for the open house. I bet the kids loved being able to pick something to take home.

eileeninmd said...

Pretty photos, I love seeing the cows. The open house sounds nice, I am glad the snow did not stop everyone from coming. My grandsons love seeing the trains at the volunteer fire house. Take care , have a great day and a wonderful week!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Looks cold out there.

God bless.

Ivy Green said...

Your Fiesta collection takes me back to my grandmother’s breakfast table. Orange juice was served from a small pitcher in the green color.

Jeanette said...

That was nice of you guys to do that! I'm sorry you had to take the video down though! Love your Fiesta ware!

ellen b. said...

Sounds like a nice open house. Fun to see the bulls. We finally got some of our predicted snow. They say more is on the way Monday afternoon.