Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Friday, September 29, 2023

The Story of the Desk


On the way to town I saw 6 deer all along the road down from my house.
Had to drive very slowly.
Also saw a couple of eyes glowing in the dark and it turned out to be a groundhog on the side of the road.

52 degrees this morning at 6:30 when I started walking.
Of course it was dark but once the sun rose at 7:11 there was a mix of sun and clouds.

I walked through town and made a stop to drop a book down the library book slot.
Continued walking down the main road till I got to the curve in the road and turned around after walking up this driveway a little ways.

Back through town I walked and kept going down the road toward home, turned around again and went back to town.

A few times I have found gloves along my walk and have put them on the posts along the road.
Someone always takes them off after a while.
One time I had 12 or so of them up before they were gone.
I've started again and today put the first glove up.

When I got back to town I walked around both of the cemeteries.
So nice to walk in the sunshine.

Corn shadow

Didn't see anyone else out walking this morning.

Morning Walk Steps were 13,561.

πŸ™‚         πŸ₯Ύ         ☀️

Some of you mentioned the secretary desk pictured on yesterdays post.
There is a story to go along with the desk.
About 25 years ago we were living down state in Savage, Md and lived a block away from Savage Mill.
At the time we lived there it was mostly an antique mall and we would go there often.
I saw the old desk there one of those times and loved it.
So I stared saving my money and every so often would go to the mill to look at it.
One day Ken said, let's go walk around the mill.
We were walking around and of course I wanted to go look at 'my desk'.
Nearing the desk I saw a SOLD sign on it and a big red bow and was so disappointed and wasn't even going to go see it.
Ken kind of dragged me there and then told me it was he who bought it and we were there to pick it up.
I was so surprised and happy that it made me cry.
I've loved the desk even more since then. πŸ™‚

Ginny and Deb mentioned the pictures on the wall.
The snow scene my mom gave us when we were first married and it has moved around with us these many years.

The other picture of the barn scene I got at an auction for a dollar about 10 years ago.

πŸ™‚         ❤️         πŸ™‚

I've been making weave-it squares and I'm more than half done with Octobers baby blanket with only 4 more rows to do. (28 squares)

Happy Friday and thanks for visiting.

Comment Replies:
Sorry Tom I forgot to answer your question about the bowls. No, they are NOT Fiestaware, though I do have some.


Tom said...

...it's nice to have a story attached to something that you enjoy. It sounds like Ken is a keeper!

Hill Top Post said...

I love the desk and the story that goes with it. That’s a great picture showing your already beautiful fall colors, but I know the best is yet to come.

Bill said...

What a great story to go with your desk, I love it.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Karen. That is a great story about the secretary desk. What a nice surprise from Ken it was, with so much love attached to it! The pictures are great too and you have nice memories to go with them. I love the red and white blanket. The leaves in your area are really turning - so beautiful! Have a good weekend. See you again soon!

Granny Marigold said...

What a lovely story your desk has!
I think your weather was very much like ours today. Cool to start then sunny. I don't think I've ever see a groundhog ( unless we know them by a different name). We did see a number of rabbits and a raccoon though.,

Brenda said...

In 1968, my husband and his dad surprised me with that secretary…desk as an engagement present. My boyfriend and I had dated, gone steady, We’re pinned, , engagement and as he was finishing college, we would marry that year. He saved his money to buy it for me, and they refinished it. 15.00 at an oldies shop. It has been moved over 30 times and is the only piece of furniture I have kept. The rest replaced or given to my kids if heirlooms. I sit at that desk every day and do my correspondence…yes I do tons of snail mail. It looks just like yours. I love it. I it started out with this young couple who didn’t even have a fridge or stove for awhile. It has lived in several states and many homes. I cherish it. I love it. Was surprised to see it in your picture. Brenda

Mari said...

You had a beautiful morning today. That sky is gorgeous..
I love the story of the desk. That Ken is a keeper.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a wonderful story about the desk!! I love the cute whimsical things you do on your walk. It keeps life interesting and cheerful!!

Ann said...

What a great story about the desk and such a sweet thing for Ken to do. What a surprise to find out that he had bought it for you.
Love the looks of that baby blanket.

eileeninmd said...

I love the desk story, your ken is so sweet.
Beautiful sky image, the first photo is lovely.
Take care, have a happy weekend.

ellen b. said...

I love that sweet story about your desk, Karen. So loving and thoughtful of Ken to do that. Your sunshine photos look so nice. Glad you had some sunshine to walk in. We really got our steps in on our trip! Enjoy the last day of September!

Jeanette said...

That was a nice surprise from Ken!

Kerri Farley said...

Thank you for sharing the story of the desk. That is sooooo sweet! And I love your little purple button!

Lowcarb team member said...

A great story to go with your desk :)

All the best Jan

Prims By The Water said...

How nice that the desk was a gift. My hubby Bob did that to me once as well with an old wagon. Janice

Prims By The Water said...

What a nice surprise! Mt hubby did that to me with an old wagon once, Janice

Rose said...

I so love the story of the secretary! So glad you shared it with us.

William Kendall said...

A good story about the desk.