Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Another good day

Good Morning 

A nice 38 degrees this morning, calm, and cloudy.
Sunrise 7:16
Walking Steps 13,227

As I pulled into the parking lot at the pond there were two deer milling about.

While it was dark I walked up and down the main street
under the street lights.

Then up up to the cemetery for a couple loops around there.
Also walked over to the big barn to see the cows and bulls.

Continued on over to the ball park and on the way there
saw that they were spreading hay all around the building site
so the mud wouldn't be bad.

The fire alarm went off and I saw the fire truck leave town.

Headed back through town and then around the other cemetery.
KitKat was there and came over to say hi and for a pet.
He is so hard to get a picture of because he never stands still!
He looks fat but isn't, he is just nice and fluffy.

Most mornings a man in a pickup waves to me.
I met him today when he was just getting into his truck.
His name is Adam and he grew up around here.
He is also a volunteer fireman and told me he just got back
from a fire call.
Nothing serious, an engine fire and no one was hurt.
I told him every time I see the fire truck go out I say a little prayer.
He thanked me!!

Didn't see anyone else out walking.
I must be just a little bit earlier than the others.

When I got back to the parking lot to go home I saw
this car parked there which I've never seen before.

Another great walk around my town.

๐Ÿฅพ    ☁️    ๐Ÿ™‚    ๐ŸŒท

No sunshine today but it was in the 50's again.
I went out and started picking up all the deadfall and adding
it to the natural fences I've been making.
After the winter and the many windy days there is a lot to pick up
and will keep me busy.
Once I get caught up with the areas I've already done I'll expand the
area I clear.

Thanks for visiting.
Happy Wednesday

Comment Replies:
Deb - We distribute these tracts locally.

Connie - I don't need any motivation to go walking alone. ๐Ÿ™‚ I'd rather walk alone!! I can go where and whenever I want at my own speed. I think I meet so many people walking because I do walk alone. On your own I also think you notice things more.  Talking to someone while walking would be a distraction to me. 


Tom said...

...you would have enjoyed our day too.

Barwitzki said...

What a beautiful cat :-)
And your last photo is wonderful.
Many greetings to you from Viola

William Kendall said...

Such a sweet cat.

Nellie said...

We have had another rainy day here, not good at all for doing anything outdoors. How nice that the cat comes out to greet you! He sure is handsome!

Granny Marigold said...

The last picture with the tree reflected in the mirror-smooth water is such a lovely sight!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wonder what's up with the truck? Maybe a mobile animal groomer. Your sunrise photo is so beautiful.

Rose said...

KitKat is a beautiful kitty! And i love the pics above him.

Was rainy off and on here today.

Debby said...

Kit Kat is a beaut. Such nice coloring. I had a male Maine coon named KittyKoo once. He was larger than many small dogs. He ruled this neighborhood! I miss him.

Hootin Anni said...

I agree...walking alone is best for me too!! Pretty Kitty photo. Love the stately pine reflection.

Ann said...

I just love the view in your second picture.
That's some flashy car. It would be hard to miss that one

eileeninmd said...

The first and last photos are my favorite. KitKat is a cutie.
Take care, have a great day!

Deb J. in Utah said...

That is a one fluffy kitty. That last picture, of the pine tree reflected in the lake, is my favorite in this post. I hope that the gospel tracts are well received in your community. Glad you had another good day.

ellen b. said...

KitKat looks so nice and fluffy. Love the reflection in the last photo. Have a good day!

Bill said...

KitKat is looking mighty fine and fluffy.

Happy@Home said...

Now that's a car that would be hard to miss. Smart marketing on their part.
The reflection in your last photo is so pretty.

Michelle said...

That is a fluffy cat and so pretty.

The Happy Whisk said...

I really do love a good walk and I told a friend earlier today that I miss doing it. Love it. Loved the yellow on the car too.

Jeanette said...

Your sunrise pictures are always so pretty!